I know it's hard to believe, but there are new players showing up all the time. Welcome, and I hope you have as much fun as I do with this game! Here's some basic tips on how NOT to p.. er irritate your buddies in the game.Rules 1 - 25: Never take a teammates tank unless it's offered to you.
Rule 26: Keep the radio chatter down and learn the keys you really want: it's very irritating to listen/read while someone is pushing all the quick chat buttons trying to find the one they really want. By then your message is lost anyway - no one is paying attention.
Tip: Look carefully at your target - if it's a Nod vehicle, does the "tag" show Nod also, or did one of your team appropriate it from the enemy. I see lots of guys wasting time shooting the tank I just stole, when they could be doing something useful, and I can't get out to repair my stolen goods while the new guys are hosing it with their weapons. If you aren't causing any damage - maybe it's because your teammate owns it.
Welcome again, and read lots of the forum messages, there's lots of great ideas here for new things to try.