WW im getting really **** at your games u make , better start making your games better and stop being lazy on the job its been 3 months already i don't see anything what u have done to RENEGADE!!!!!
1. ADD the PLANES in the game ! and its been 3 months already u guys said few weeks .
2. TAke off LAGGGED problems annyonig to others
3. FIX The gliches , ERRORS , and BUGS!
4. Put DSL on my Informaiton section so we can host more players than 4 put a high limt to HOST people
5. Please get Some sysops in the chat lobby's SOON
6. Fix your damm chat servers stuipd BOTS keep on messing up the severs shuts it down like every 30 mins , and it comes back like 10 mins later
7. Make the bandwidth bigger for more players like 20 peeps or more , and please ADD DSL on my informaion!
8. ADD BAN Bottons and kick BOTTONS in the chat lobbies alos when host a game!!!
9. Get Auto kickers to kick lagers out of your games
10 . GET UP your A---$$ and do your job , everyone is paying you for this game!!!!!