I sure to think so. I was playing the Stoaway mission and it seemed like a stealthy mission so I started using the pistol. Well, it can bring down an Officer in 1 headshot and it takes 3 shots to the TORSO of Nod Soldier. I find it alot better than the other autorifles because aiming for the head with autos is almost futile - you basically get about .01 seconds more if you shoot the torso instead of the head.In MP however, if you hit someone once in the head, their health goes down alot, but they bend over (lets keep it clean) and you can't hit them in the head again until they stand up and if a competent user is playing then after you get shot you run like mad. Torso shots in MP with a pistol are pretty useless unless you have a chem/flame warrior and need to finish off someone out of range.