A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999952] |
Thu, 07 March 2002 12:56  |
A lot of people want to be able to build buildings in C&C mode. Some people want a top down view and place as many buildings wherever they want. I see several probs with this idea: 1. If limits of each building are made (ex: 1 barracks only) then if someone places the building in a bad place the team could be screwed. 2. If there's no limit on buildings that can be built, bases will be impossible to destroy (3 obelisks) My solution is to have PRESET positions for buildings, and you use the Purchase Terminal to buy them. I'm not sure if it'd be prefered to start out with buildings or you have to build from ground up or not, but i beleive that you should start off with the buildings, and make building prices inflated, as to keep the style of play relatively the same. building prices would have to be VERY high, something like 3000 for a powerplant otherwise surgical destruction of a base would be impossible. To accomodate replacing buildings, destroyed buildings would have to collapse to rubble and dissapear. my 2 cents.
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999951] |
Thu, 07 March 2002 14:19   |
This sounds like a good idea. Of course there would be a construction yard that if destroyed would make buying buildings impossible. I think it would be cool if there was a "pool" that players could contribute their money to so they could purchase buildings without using all of one person's funds. Maybe this could be used for vehicles too, although people would take advantage of it.
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999950] |
Thu, 07 March 2002 15:34   |
cool idea... though 3000 isn't that much... i'd say more around 4000 or even 5000 i also think that servers should have typical setting of one hour per map... given that around 30min is when the battle really starts to favour one side over another... (if the game isn't ended in the first 10 min that is).. of course this is just a server sett'n.. blah, neway
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999949] |
Thu, 07 March 2002 21:44   |
Preset locations is not a good solition. Why? it mine as well be the same as it is now, excpet you'd have to build them. People gain money though the harvester. So does the "main Pool" the main pool is used when some one wants to build a building. buildings can be built any where... well almost, it'd be just like the orignial C&C and you can perchace computer controled charaters (with better Ai of corse) which you could order around(tell them to guard the base). If some one places a building in the wrong place,Yes they should be screwed, but there will always be an option to sell it(with of corse the admin, or it could take 5 votes to sell it, or the player who built it could sell it). Building limits would be set by the server.
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999948] |
Thu, 07 March 2002 22:46   |
Its fairly obvious that being able to rebuild (or build) buildings would be a nice addition to the game. It is however a problem of how to place them and pay for them. Not actually playing the game with more than 2 ppl in i dont have much knowledge on the subject but... I would say that instead of having a pool for buildings you could just have a vote system in the purchase menu. When u go there you vote for a powerplant, once the votes become enough (ie over half the players) then the building is payed for out of everyones money (an equal amount from each) this could also be just from the ppl who voted. The buildings could be placed by the computer (in the c&c games the computer seems to place buildings fairly well). Being able to replace buildings would change the game quite a lot however due to the fact that taking out someones powerplant must cripple the base quite a lot ( i am guessing) as well as taking out a refinery. If you then have the ability to replace them the games will last a hell of a lot longer! Renegade is a cool game but i feel that there is still a lot of room for imrpovement, even just by adding more options, like the ability to replace buildings, bots, orders etc. Thats my view anyway.
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999947] |
Fri, 08 March 2002 12:32   |
I've got (what I believe) may be an interesting approach to building rehabilitation: Instead of having a pool of credits seperate from your own which you donate to, when an engineer repairs a destroyed building it drains an equal amount of credits from every player on the team. Get it? Say you have 10 people on your team and a destroyed guard tower... When engineers begin repairing the building the cost of repairing gets automatically split equally among everyone. Say the building costs 10,000 credits. Repairing would cost each player 1000 credits. For every second the repair gun shoots the damage building X number of credits are drained. It would take some math on the programmers part, but definitely nothing they couldn't handle. Note: Buildings should not become completely functional again until repaired to 100\%. Note: As perhaps a "supplement" to this idea from above, players on the team could vote to "opt in" their credits for repair. Personally I'm against this as assholes wouldn't vote because they'd rather spend their last 300 credits on a buggy to fight a mammoth tank. Thoughts? - Earls
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999946] |
Sat, 09 March 2002 05:43   |
I'd say we'd need a lot less n00b llamas if there's goingg to be any Engineer's willing to sacrifice their creds to help the team instead of trying to kill the enemy with their repair guns
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999945] |
Fri, 08 March 2002 23:54   |
My Idea is: (as posted somewhere before..) Each team starts with 1 MCV and 10k creds. Only engs can drive and deploy the MCV, once he has deployed it, engs then purchase building (PP, REF...) kits and deploy them (in the RTS camera view as with the camera.ini MOD). Figure it would take about 4-7 minutes to get the base up and running. You only get 1 of ea main building(except PP's), but can have multiple defense structures (with a limit determined by POWER), thats the key, remember that the more buildings you have the more power you need. With limited space, you must be wise in building the base up. One team could just build a massive defensive base with no real offensive capabilities. This means the other team would have to become the attackers and could divert resources to offense. If a building is destroyed the engs can purchase another kit if the MCV is still functioning. They would be able to recoup funds by "recycling" the destroyed buildings. On REALLY REALLY HUGE maps, teams could set up multiple bases by reloacting the MCV. Imagine having two or three bases spread across the entire eastern side of the map.
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999944] |
Sat, 09 March 2002 00:16   |
I think the maps would have to be huge anyway to prevent people from rushing the other team with everybody they have and planting all their C4s on the MCV or something. And it would be a whole lot cooler if the maps were huge anyway, like more room for vehicles to fight and once the helicopters are added it will seem strange to fly a helicopter like 100 feet to the enemy base. If the maps were bigger there would be more of an opportunity to sneak into enemy bases or drop off some guys with a CH47 behind the base or something.
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999943] |
Sat, 09 March 2002 02:24   |
It's my personal belief that when you try an introduce MCVs and options to what and where to build you're introducing way to many variables that can easily have very good or very bad effects on the game. For every good point you can introduce, I'm sure I can think up 2 things that lamers/******s/newbies would do to destroy the gameplay. That's basically why there aren't MCVs in the game now... as well as the option to build buildings. I found my idea attractive because technically, besides a few lines of code, no additional media/resources needs to be added to game. But yet it adds another dimension to gameplay. OOM-9: If I understand your feedback correctly, you have seemed to misunderstood me. EVERYONE'S credits are drained when repairing buildings, not just the engineers. It's for the greater good of the team... so infantry, mobius, black hands... and the engineers on the team all contribute their credits. - Earls
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999940] |
Sun, 10 March 2002 09:18   |
No offense against any of your ideas, but I think that with the current community and such, implementing such a process would be counter-productive for the game. There are too many ways for n00bs to **** it up, or programmers to make it unfair, or make it too money-demanding that the game loses focus. Someone could try this in a mod, but I think the game should be left as the great FPS that it is.
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999938] |
Mon, 11 March 2002 12:27   |
quote: Originally posted by OOM-9: I'd say we'd need a lot less n00b llamas if there's goingg to be any Engineer's willing to sacrifice their creds to help the team instead of trying to kill the enemy with their repair guns 
hahahaahhaha...that is the funniest The best thing that has ever happened to me was when i was GDI and i stole a flame tank that had at least 3 Engineers healing it. So i was messing around killing Nod, while the dumb asses on the other team were healing me. I ended up acidentally killing them though. Man, that is the greatest.
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999937] |
Mon, 11 March 2002 12:32   |
As for building buildings, i think that it counterdicts the game. It takes so much effort to take down a building, especially if ur team is full of n00bs. With the ability to place a brand new building just after it being destroyed would make me cry. There would be no way to win...in an evenly matched game. Ya know wut i mean?
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999936] |
Mon, 11 March 2002 22:35   |
Priest: Fear not, as my idea also addresses your fears.  For one, with my idea, you can't just buy/replace a building instantly. You're basically healing it from NO HEALTH to FULL HEALTH. So depending on how many engineers you have on the job depends on how fast a building gets "reconstructed." Without proper planning, building restoration will be a daunting task, but rewarding in many aspects. Also remember that it costs credits to reconstruct a building. Teams that lose a building usually don't always have that many credits to spare, so building reconstruction is only an opinion, not a certainty. Also, don't forget that when reconstructing a building under my proposed plan that the building does not become functional AT ALL until it's health is at 100\%. I hope that addresses some of your concerns.  - Earls
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999934] |
Thu, 25 July 2002 14:34   |
earl your idea is quality.
i think you could combine your idea with the pool of money idea; where players can contribute (additional?) funds to the quick construction of a (previously destroyed?) building.
currently; once a building is destroyed, the only way a counterattack can be made on a semi intelligent team is with sneak tatics (eg technichians). this makes the game routine. more elements of c&c (eg reconstruction) must be added to honour Renegades full title.
so dont give us any renegade is already perfect stuff. for an fps - maybe- but not for a cnc
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999930] |
Mon, 02 December 2002 11:28   |
Why not go more for what they did with "Giants: Citizen Kabuto"? Er...everytime the harvester comes, while it drops off money for the players, it puts money into a main pool or something, AI engineers can be order to place a building at preset (or maybe at a choosable preset location) and use money from that pool. Or maybe have player controlled harvesters that bring money for the main pool. Or even just use the AI engis to build light defenses instead of the actual base (wouldn't mess people up as much....).
A solution for buildings in C&C mode [message #-999929] |
Mon, 02 December 2002 11:32   |
Right now I am mostly focusing on making smaller structures. I am trying to create a deployable base mod with my friend. So far it's simple structures like walls and turrets. Eventually however I was thinking of implementing new structures. Nothing as grandiose as what is mentioned here. Ideally I want to eventually create a deployable tent where you can buy simple infantry (Officer, Rocket Solder, and sydney/chemwarrior) if your barracks is knocked out. That still seems like a while from now however since my knowledge of scripting is limited to what has already been pioneered sadly. Hopefully once I have mastered simple structures I can work towards new more exciting projects but one step at a time right?
PS If there ever is a successful deployable mod sadly there would be a need for an admin in game. Even with my simple mod there are already noticable problems for instance while deployable walls are good for defense some n00b could always box in the harvester or something stupid like that. However much that is discussed on this thread is still a ways away.