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Scripts [message #19615] |
Fri, 09 May 2003 11:45 |
Messages: 618 Registered: February 2003 Location: High Wycombe, England
Karma: 0
Colonel |
Its the http://www.theoriginalmrbob.com/~namehunter/TechHQ.html he cant spell
In the end it doesn't matter if you are who you say you are. You will still mean nothing to me.
When i have kids, everytime i drive past a fast food restaurant, im gonna punch my kid in the face, then they'll never wanna come..
Scripts [message #19640] |
Fri, 09 May 2003 13:56 |
Messages: 1039 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
i still don't see the draw to c130 drop cinematics that only drop on Nod side...
it is possible to drop on both sides when the c130 comes in, yet i always see them so one sided...
try more original ideas like this
; Available Cinematic Script Commands
; time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation
; id can be -1 to mean do not store this object, and do not destroy
; 0 Create_Object, 0, .44 Magnum, 0, 0, 0, 180, "Human.jump"
; time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot)
; 0 Destroy_Object, 0
; time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name
; 0 Play_Animation, 0, "Human.Jump", false
; time/frame Control_Camera, id ( slot )
; use id -1 for disabling control;
; note this will also disable star control and disbale the hud
; 0 Control_Camera, 0
;******************* CHEAT SHEET ******************************
;Start frame create_object slot number model x,y,z,facing animation name( model*hierarchy*.anim )
;Start frame Play_Animation slot number anim name ( model*hierarchy*.anim ) looping Sub Object
;Start frame Play_Audio wave filename slot number bone name
; * no slot # / bone name = 2D Audio
;0= NO LOOP ( kills object when finshed ) 1= LOOP
; ****************************** camera
-0 Enable_Letterbox, 1, 1
-0 Create_Object, 0, "X3D_Tester"
-0 Play_Animation, 0, "X3D_Tester.X3D_Tester", 1
-0 Control_Camera, 0
-0 Set_Screen_Fade_Color, 0,0,0,0
-0 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 1,0
-0 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0,2
-950 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0,1.5
-1100 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0,0
-1001 Control_Camera, -1
-1001 Destroy_Object, 0
-1001 Enable_Letterbox, 0, 1
; ****************************** Drop Off Guy
; ****************************** Path
-351 Create_Object, 2, "X5D_Chinookfly", 0, 0, 0, 0
-351 Play_Animation, 2, "X5D_Chinookfly.X5D_Chinookfly", 1
-630 Destroy_Object, 2
; ****************************** Nod Chinook
-351 Create_Real_Object, 1, "Nod_Transport_Helicopter", 2, "BN_chinook_1"
-351 Attach_Script, 1, "M07_Disable_Hibernation", "1"
-351 Play_Animation, 1, "v_Nod_Trnspt.v_Nod_Trnspt", 1
-351 Attach_To_Bone, 1, 2, "BN_chinook_1"
-630 Destroy_Object, 1
; ****************************** Parachute_2
-529 Create_Object, 4, "X5D_Parachute", 0, 0, 0, 0
-529 Play_Animation, 4, "X5D_Parachute.X5D_ParaC_2", 1
-620 Destroy_Object, 4
; ****************************** Box 2
-505 Create_Object, 7, "X5D_Box02", 0, 0, 0, 0
-505 Play_Animation, 7, "X5D_Box02.X5D_Box02", 1
-620 Destroy_Object, 7
; ****************************** Troop 1
-515 Create_Real_Object, 10, "Nod_MiniGunner_1Off", 7, "Box02"
-515 Attach_Script, 10, "M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME", ""
-515 Attach_To_Bone, 10, 7, "Box02"
-515 Play_Animation, 10, "H_A_X5D_ParaT_2", 0
-615 Attach_To_Bone, 10, -1, "Box02"
-700 Play_Animation, 10, "H_A_PUNCHCOMBO", 0
-791 Play_Animation, 10, "H_A_CRESENTKICK", 0
-825 Play_Animation, 10, "H_A_PUNCHCOMBO", 0
;-900 Play_Animation, 10, "H_A_SIDEKICK", 0
;-915 Play_Animation, 10, "H_A_PUNCHCOMBO", 0
-1001 Attach_Scripts, 10, "M00_Base_Defense", "0,300,2"
; ****************************** sounds
-0 Play_Audio, "OnYourFeet"
stuff like this is more useful, than spawning 900 bots in a Nod base[/quote]
Scripts [message #19658] |
Fri, 09 May 2003 15:32 |
Messages: 1039 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
here ya go.... a little tut for the cinematics i just whipped up real quick
So you want to create new Text Cinematic Scripts, but aren't sure what all that jibberish means....
Here is a good breakdown quick tutorial on how to make them, and what exactly you are doing when you make them.
Ok, first, lets look at the available commands, then I will discuss each one.
I am not 100% positive the actual use for the unk* parameters.
time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation
time/frame Create_Real_Object, id (slot), preset_name, id (to create at), bone_name_at
time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot)
time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name
time/frame Play_Audio, wave_filename, id (slot), bone_name
time/frame Attach_Script, id (slot), Script_Name, Script_Parameters
time/frame Attach_To_Bone, id (slot), id (slot) 2, bone_name
time/frame Control_Camera, enable
time/frame Enable_Letterbox, enable, unk1
time/frame Set_Screen_Fade_Color, unk1, unk2, unk3, unk4
time/frame Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, fade_in_depth, fade_out_depth
time/frame Send_Custom, id, message, parameter
time/frame Set_Primary, id (slot)
Each Item Explained:
use this to create script used objects ONLY, these cannot be killed, as they are just "visual effects"
id (slot) = use this to identify the object for later script calls, or set to -1 to have it not be destroyed after the script expires.
preset_name = This is the w3d name of the object to create without the .w3d at the end, you better have this in either you .mix, .pkg, or data dir, or it will crash the game.
x = x position on the map to create
y = y position on the map to create
z = z position on the map to create
facing = the direction the object will be facing when created
animation = creation animation to play
use this script to create any objects that you will be keeping in the level, like Troops dropped from a chinook
id (slot) = use this to identify the object for later script calls, or set to -1 to have it not be destroyed after the script expires.
preset_name = This is the preset name of the item to create, you can find these in the Object tree in Level Edit, you can create ANY of these.
id (to create at) = the object that this will be created at, the engine uses this as a reference point of where to create it.
bone_name_at = the specific bone to create the object at.
if the id(to create at) and the bone_name_at are blank, it will create at the root of the script (where it was called from)
this is a cleanup script, use this to get rid of cinematic items no longer in use, and objects that are being destryed via a cinematic.
id (slot) = id of the object to destroy
Use this to play an animation from within the w3d of the object, or by forcing a skeleton animation from a character.
id (slot) = the id of the object you want to play the animation
animation_name = this is ALWAYS the w3d name - the .w3d, then the animation name (mode.animation)
looping = 0 will only play it once, 1 will loop it until the object is destroyed
sub_obj_name = this specifies that a sub object to the id (slot) is to play the animation, example would be having a character move the mouth to talk
the sub_obj_name is optional
use this to play any sounds during a text cinematic
wave_filename = contrary to popular belief, this is the preset name of the sound, they can be found in LE under Sounds.
id (slot) = id of the cinematic object to attach to
bone_name = bone name of the location to play it at
if the id (slot) and bone_name are left blank, the sound becomes a 2d sound, if the preset is 3d, it will be heard only at the root of the scripts (where it was called from)
use this to attach scripts to real objects that are created in the cinematic.
id (slot) = id of the object to attach the script to
Script_Name = name of the script to attach
Script_Parameters = parameters of the script, if you have more than one parameter seperate them by commas.
the script name and the script paramaters must be in quotation marks
this script is to attach objects either real or cinematic to a bone of another object.
id (slot) = id of the object you want to attach
id (slot) 2 = id of the object you want to attach to
bone_name = name of the bone on the object you are attaching to that you wish to attach to
note, to detach from the bone, set the id (slot) 2 to -1
this is used to control the camera during special circumstances in game, DONOT FORGET to disable this, or Ren will be stuck.
enable = 0 to control, -1 to resume normal game
if you don't have a camera object, the camera will show at the script root (where it was called from)
this is used to give it that "widescreen" effect in cutscenes.
enable = 1 to enable it, 0 to disable it
unk1 = not sure what this is, but is always set to 1
another one that you don't want to forget to turn off
this one i am quite unfamiliar with, but i am sure that it has something to do with the color of the screen when you use the set screen fade opacity.
unk1, unk2, unk3, unk4 = all unknown values, but almost always 0, 0, 0, 0
this script is used to "smooth" the transitions of controlling the camera, as it can have a choppy appearance when you enable and disable it.
fade_in_depth = this is the amount to fade in, i believe 2 is max
fade_out_depth = this is the amount to fade out, again, i believe that 2 is the max.
this script is used to communicate with the other scripts on object in a level, don't use this unless you knwo what you are doing
id = id of the object IN the level, you MUST know the id of the object, otherwise you are sending it no where.
message = this is the message number you are sending
parameter = this is the parameter for that message
this is one of the least used scripts for regular in game cinematics
this scripts sets the scenes primary object
id (slot) = the id of the object to set to primary
again, this is a rarely used item.
Part 2 [message #19660] |
Fri, 09 May 2003 15:33 |
Messages: 1039 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
Now.. you have a good idea of what each one does, lets examine an example script, and what it does.
We will create a basic drop off, with a letterbox camera watching it happen.
Here is the resources used in this example, all found in always.dat
Presets Used in this Example Scipt:
W3D Animations Used:
Scripts Used:
WS Scripts.dll:
Custom Scripts.dll:
ok, on to the scripting:
First, lets do the camera stuff, as it is the most important to get right.
-0 Enable_Letterbox, 1, 1
-0 Control_Camera, 0
-0 Set_Screen_Fade_Color, 0, 0, 0, 0
-0 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 1, 0
-10 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-760 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 2
-800 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-800 Control_Camera, -1
-800 Enable_Letterbox, 0, 1
now, what did we just do there, simple, first we turned on letterbox and enabled the control of the camera.
next we set the fade color and started a fade in effect
now, after a full 760 frames of our cinematic plays, we will begin the fade out a little bit slower than the fade in
then finally disable camera control, and take away the letterbox effect.
next, lets create some real stuff to look at (*note, by adding the above to a cinematic, you may not be able to view the next items without a custom camera view)
first the path, which is named XG_TransprtBone.w3d and is in always.dat
-0 Create_Object, 1, "XG_TransprtBone",
-0 Play_Animation, 1, "XG_TransprtBone.XG_RT_TrajA", 0
-401 Play_Animation, 1, "XG_TransprtBone.XG_RT_TrajL", 1
-1000 destroy_object, 1
now, you are wondering what THAT did?, simple, it created a path definition (bones only w3d) and played a couple of the internal animations for it at certain times
next, we create3 a chinook that can be killed
-0 Create_Real_Object, 2, "GDI_Transport_Helicopter", 1, "BN_Trajectory"
-0 Attach_to_Bone, 2,1,"BN_Trajectory"
-0 Play_Animation, 2, "v_GDI_trnspt.XG_RT_trnsptA",0
-401 Play_Animation, 2, "v_GDI_trnspt.XG_RT_trnsptL",1
-1000 destroy_object, 2
there, we hae created a visual item, attached it to a path, and played the specified internal animations at the same time as our path is happening
basically, the first animation is the flying, the second animation is the troop information
now to create a rope for the soldier to go down
-0 Create_Object, 3, "XG_RT_rope", 0, 0, 0, 0
-0 Play_Animation, 3, "XG_RT_rope.XG_RT_ropeA", 0
-401 Play_Animation, 3, "XG_RT_rope.XG_RT_ropeL", 1
-760 destroy_object, 3
the animations in this part are simply having the rope wiggle around a bit from at the time the troop is on it, and unrooling and rolling up at the specified times
next, make a troop bone, why you ask, so the troop moved DOWN the rope instead of just sitting in the chinook
-401 Create_Object, 4, "XG_RT_TroopBone", 0, 0, 0, 0,
-401 Play_Animation, 4, "XG_RT_TroopBone.XG_RT_TroopBone",0
-490 destroy_object, 4
now there is a bone in place, and ready to "slide" down the rope when the troop drops
now lets create a character that will drop out of the chinook
-401 Create_Real_Object, 5, "GDI_MiniGunner_0", 2, "SPAWNER"
-401 Play_Animation, 5, "S_A_Human.H_A_TroopDrop", 0
-401 Attach_to_Bone, 5,4,"Troop_L"
-490 Attach_to_Bone, 5,-1,"Troop_L"
-690 Attach_Script, 5, "M00_Base_Defense","300,10,2"
now, notice here, that it has a bone that it creates at, and an id specified, that means that it will create where the spawner bone is on the transport helicopter.
then, at the specified time, it plays the rope animation, attaches to the rope (because of the troop bone it slides down) then removes from the rope.
and finally, we gave it a basic base defense script that will enable a bit of AI in the unit.
finally, we do basic cleanups for our objects
1000000 Destroy_Object, 1
1000000 Destroy_Object, 2
1000000 Destroy_Object, 3
1000000 Destroy_Object, 4
the 1000000 is a standard time amount in all the westwood text cinematics, i personally would just use 800
oh wait you ask, what about adding some sound to this cinematic????
you don't want a boring silent chinook coming and and not making any sound do you?
ok, here we go, lets do the sound section now. im not going to get too exact, but you will get the idea
-0 Play_Audio, "OnYourFeet"
-280 Create_Object, 6, "XG_RT_AudioA"
-280 Play_Animation, 6, "XG_RT_AdioA.XG_RT_AudioA", 0
-280 Play_Audio, "Door_Open", 6, "BN_CH_Dooropen"
-281 Play_Audio, "Rope_Out", 6, "BN_Rope"
-668 Create_Object, 7, "XG_RT_AudioZ"
-668 Play_Animation, 7, "XG_RT_AudioZ.XG_RT_AudioZ", 0
-668 Play_Audio, "Door_Close", 7, "BN_CH_Doorclose"
-668 Play_Audio, "Rope_Retract", 7, "BN_Rope"
1000000 Destroy_Object, 6
1000000 Destroy_Object, 7
wow, thats alot of sound effect no? simply explained, first, play some background music to set your mood
next, create audio bones to attach the 3d sound effects to
then, at the correct times, play the door open sound effect, the rope rolling out sound effect, the play the door close and the rope retract sfx
wait... what about the chinook sound effect, how will i hear that???
well some items have the built in sound effect, the chinook for example uses the engine run sound effect while an animation is playing.
if you are wondering, how do you find out how long animations are, simply open up the w3d in w3d viewer, and then select the animation, in the status bar, it will show you the total number of frames for that animation.
as far as bone names, you can open the w3d up in wdump and check out the bone names from there.
now, there you have it, that is how you can create all types of cinematics, and you have the use of them throughout the entire level.
by creating test_cinematic objects, or attaching the poke_and_play_cinematic you can add some really kewl effects to your mod.
mirrored on http://Modx.RenEvo.Com
Scripts [message #19676] |
Fri, 09 May 2003 16:42 |
Messages: 1039 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
with a bit of mix editing server-side, and some customizations, each map can have a different c130 drop script...
Scripts [message #19697] |
Fri, 09 May 2003 20:45 |
Messages: 488 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
Commander |
Dante | here ya go.... a little tut for the cinematics i just whipped up real quick
So you want to create new Text Cinematic Scripts, but aren't sure what all that jibberish means....
Here is a good breakdown quick tutorial on how to make them, and what exactly you are doing when you make them.
Ok, first, lets look at the available commands, then I will discuss each one.
I am not 100% positive the actual use for the unk* parameters.
time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation
time/frame Create_Real_Object, id (slot), preset_name, id (to create at), bone_name_at
time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot)
time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name
time/frame Play_Audio, wave_filename, id (slot), bone_name
time/frame Attach_Script, id (slot), Script_Name, Script_Parameters
time/frame Attach_To_Bone, id (slot), id (slot) 2, bone_name
time/frame Control_Camera, enable
time/frame Enable_Letterbox, enable, unk1
time/frame Set_Screen_Fade_Color, unk1, unk2, unk3, unk4
time/frame Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, fade_in_depth, fade_out_depth
time/frame Send_Custom, id, message, parameter
time/frame Set_Primary, id (slot)
Each Item Explained:
use this to create script used objects ONLY, these cannot be killed, as they are just "visual effects"
id (slot) = use this to identify the object for later script calls, or set to -1 to have it not be destroyed after the script expires.
preset_name = This is the w3d name of the object to create without the .w3d at the end, you better have this in either you .mix, .pkg, or data dir, or it will crash the game.
x = x position on the map to create
y = y position on the map to create
z = z position on the map to create
facing = the direction the object will be facing when created
animation = creation animation to play
use this script to create any objects that you will be keeping in the level, like Troops dropped from a chinook
id (slot) = use this to identify the object for later script calls, or set to -1 to have it not be destroyed after the script expires.
preset_name = This is the preset name of the item to create, you can find these in the Object tree in Level Edit, you can create ANY of these.
id (to create at) = the object that this will be created at, the engine uses this as a reference point of where to create it.
bone_name_at = the specific bone to create the object at.
if the id(to create at) and the bone_name_at are blank, it will create at the root of the script (where it was called from)
this is a cleanup script, use this to get rid of cinematic items no longer in use, and objects that are being destryed via a cinematic.
id (slot) = id of the object to destroy
Use this to play an animation from within the w3d of the object, or by forcing a skeleton animation from a character.
id (slot) = the id of the object you want to play the animation
animation_name = this is ALWAYS the w3d name - the .w3d, then the animation name (mode.animation)
looping = 0 will only play it once, 1 will loop it until the object is destroyed
sub_obj_name = this specifies that a sub object to the id (slot) is to play the animation, example would be having a character move the mouth to talk
the sub_obj_name is optional
use this to play any sounds during a text cinematic
wave_filename = contrary to popular belief, this is the preset name of the sound, they can be found in LE under Sounds.
id (slot) = id of the cinematic object to attach to
bone_name = bone name of the location to play it at
if the id (slot) and bone_name are left blank, the sound becomes a 2d sound, if the preset is 3d, it will be heard only at the root of the scripts (where it was called from)
use this to attach scripts to real objects that are created in the cinematic.
id (slot) = id of the object to attach the script to
Script_Name = name of the script to attach
Script_Parameters = parameters of the script, if you have more than one parameter seperate them by commas.
the script name and the script paramaters must be in quotation marks
this script is to attach objects either real or cinematic to a bone of another object.
id (slot) = id of the object you want to attach
id (slot) 2 = id of the object you want to attach to
bone_name = name of the bone on the object you are attaching to that you wish to attach to
note, to detach from the bone, set the id (slot) 2 to -1
this is used to control the camera during special circumstances in game, DONOT FORGET to disable this, or Ren will be stuck.
enable = 0 to control, -1 to resume normal game
if you don't have a camera object, the camera will show at the script root (where it was called from)
this is used to give it that "widescreen" effect in cutscenes.
enable = 1 to enable it, 0 to disable it
unk1 = not sure what this is, but is always set to 1
another one that you don't want to forget to turn off
this one i am quite unfamiliar with, but i am sure that it has something to do with the color of the screen when you use the set screen fade opacity.
unk1, unk2, unk3, unk4 = all unknown values, but almost always 0, 0, 0, 0
this script is used to "smooth" the transitions of controlling the camera, as it can have a choppy appearance when you enable and disable it.
fade_in_depth = this is the amount to fade in, i believe 2 is max
fade_out_depth = this is the amount to fade out, again, i believe that 2 is the max.
this script is used to communicate with the other scripts on object in a level, don't use this unless you knwo what you are doing
id = id of the object IN the level, you MUST know the id of the object, otherwise you are sending it no where.
message = this is the message number you are sending
parameter = this is the parameter for that message
this is one of the least used scripts for regular in game cinematics
this scripts sets the scenes primary object
id (slot) = the id of the object to set to primary
again, this is a rarely used item.
Good Stuff, thanks Dante
Scripts [message #19702] |
Fri, 09 May 2003 21:45 |
Messages: 555 Registered: February 2003 Location: Nashua, NH
Karma: 0
Colonel |
Hm. The only thing I don't understand is how the camera moves around during the cinematic, how do you control where and how the camera moves?
Also, this is what I have so far. I don't have commando onthis computer, so I'm missing a lot of extra things I could add in.
-0 Enable_Letterbox, 1 1
-0 Control_Camera, 0
-0 Set_Screen_Fade_Color, 0, 0, 0, 0
-0 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 1, 0
-2 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-65 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 2
-72 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-72 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-72 Control_Camera, -1
-72 Enable_Letterbox, 0, 1
-0 Create_Object, 1, "flying_bone", 0, 0, 20
-0 Play_Animation, 1, "flying_animation"
-0 Create_Object, 2, "GDI_A10_Flyover", 0, 0, 20
-0 Attach_to_Bone, 2, 1, "Box01"
-71 Destory_Object, 2
*****************Pilot Eject
-30 Create_Real_Object, 3, "AI_GDI_RocketLancher", 1, "Box01"
-30 Create_Object, 4, "eject_stationary"
-30 Attach_to_Bone, 4, 1, "Box01"
-30 Attach_to_Bone, 3, 4, "eject"
-30 Attach_Script, 3, "M00_Base_Defense", "0,300,2"
-40 Play_Animation, 4, "eject_bone"
-50 Attach_to_Bone, 3, -2, "eject"
-0 Play_Audio
-The ONLY Renegade fan to pee off a school.
Scripts [message #19716] |
Fri, 09 May 2003 23:00 |
Messages: 1039 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
bigwig992 | Hm. The only thing I don't understand is how the camera moves around during the cinematic, how do you control where and how the camera moves?
Also, this is what I have so far. I don't have commando onthis computer, so I'm missing a lot of extra things I could add in.
-0 Enable_Letterbox, 1 1
-0 Control_Camera, 0
-0 Set_Screen_Fade_Color, 0, 0, 0, 0
-0 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 1, 0
-2 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-65 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 2
-72 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-72 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-72 Control_Camera, -1
-72 Enable_Letterbox, 0, 1
-0 Create_Object, 1, "flying_bone", 0, 0, 20
-0 Play_Animation, 1, "flying_animation"
-0 Create_Object, 2, "GDI_A10_Flyover", 0, 0, 20
-0 Attach_to_Bone, 2, 1, "Box01"
-71 Destory_Object, 2
*****************Pilot Eject
-30 Create_Real_Object, 3, "AI_GDI_RocketLancher", 1, "Box01"
-30 Create_Object, 4, "eject_stationary"
-30 Attach_to_Bone, 4, 1, "Box01"
-30 Attach_to_Bone, 3, 4, "eject"
-30 Attach_Script, 3, "M00_Base_Defense", "0,300,2"
-40 Play_Animation, 4, "eject_bone"
-50 Attach_to_Bone, 3, -2, "eject"
-0 Play_Audio
ok, #1, CRIMMY PLEASE CHANGE THE CODE WINDOW COLOR!!!! that green on green sucks ass
next, i assume the following after looking at this script...
#1, you want a stationary camera
#2, you have the following w3d's
flying_bone.w3d (next play_animation line needs to be flying_bone.flying_animation btw) with the flying_animation named properly inside it
eject_stationary.w3d (and again, eject_stationary.eject_bone for the play_animation) and an animation inside that w3d named eject_bone and a bone named eject
#3, you have created a new preset named AI_GDI_RocketLancher in LE
#4, that your entire script is only 72 frames (that is REALLY short cinematic, as it is frames, and most people get about 30-60 frames per second in Ren)
now, other than the two play_animation problems stated above, you need to correct the following.
#1, you need a sound to play for the Play_Sound else it will crash Ren
#2, -50 Attach_to_Bone, 3, -2, "eject" -2 is not an option for attach_to_bone
#3, -72 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-72 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
is pointless, you are doing the same thing twice
ok, now, in order to move the camera during the animation you must create a w3d for the camera path.
Scripts [message #19736] |
Sat, 10 May 2003 05:20 |
Messages: 1039 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
a really kewl script...
Scripts [message #19745] |
Sat, 10 May 2003 09:27 |
Messages: 555 Registered: February 2003 Location: Nashua, NH
Karma: 0
Colonel |
Dante |
bigwig992 | Hm. The only thing I don't understand is how the camera moves around during the cinematic, how do you control where and how the camera moves?
Also, this is what I have so far. I don't have commando onthis computer, so I'm missing a lot of extra things I could add in.
-0 Enable_Letterbox, 1 1
-0 Control_Camera, 0
-0 Set_Screen_Fade_Color, 0, 0, 0, 0
-0 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 1, 0
-2 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-65 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 2
-72 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-72 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-72 Control_Camera, -1
-72 Enable_Letterbox, 0, 1
-0 Create_Object, 1, "flying_bone", 0, 0, 20
-0 Play_Animation, 1, "flying_animation"
-0 Create_Object, 2, "GDI_A10_Flyover", 0, 0, 20
-0 Attach_to_Bone, 2, 1, "Box01"
-71 Destory_Object, 2
*****************Pilot Eject
-30 Create_Real_Object, 3, "AI_GDI_RocketLancher", 1, "Box01"
-30 Create_Object, 4, "eject_stationary"
-30 Attach_to_Bone, 4, 1, "Box01"
-30 Attach_to_Bone, 3, 4, "eject"
-30 Attach_Script, 3, "M00_Base_Defense", "0,300,2"
-40 Play_Animation, 4, "eject_bone"
-50 Attach_to_Bone, 3, -2, "eject"
-0 Play_Audio
ok, #1, CRIMMY PLEASE CHANGE THE CODE WINDOW COLOR!!!! that green on green sucks ass
next, i assume the following after looking at this script...
#1, you want a stationary camera
#2, you have the following w3d's
flying_bone.w3d (next play_animation line needs to be flying_bone.flying_animation btw) with the flying_animation named properly inside it
eject_stationary.w3d (and again, eject_stationary.eject_bone for the play_animation) and an animation inside that w3d named eject_bone and a bone named eject
#3, you have created a new preset named AI_GDI_RocketLancher in LE
#4, that your entire script is only 72 frames (that is REALLY short cinematic, as it is frames, and most people get about 30-60 frames per second in Ren)
now, other than the two play_animation problems stated above, you need to correct the following.
#1, you need a sound to play for the Play_Sound else it will crash Ren
#2, -50 Attach_to_Bone, 3, -2, "eject" -2 is not an option for attach_to_bone
#3, -72 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
-72 Set_Screen_Fade_Opacity, 0, 0
is pointless, you are doing the same thing twice
ok, now, in order to move the camera during the animation you must create a w3d for the camera path.
I'll try to make those changes. And oh yes, the:
-50 Attach_to_Bone, 3, -2, "eject"
is what I thought meant detatch object from bone. Oh, and give me a break on the 70 frame animation thing, this is my first cinematic ever.
EDIT: Oh yeah, are animations another w3d with an animation in it, or is there a way in RenX to save just the animations? I have things like "eject_bone.w3d" (ejecting animation) and "eject_stationary.w3d", same bone just no animation. *sigh*, Dante, I think I'll need your help on AIM.
-The ONLY Renegade fan to pee off a school.
Scripts [message #19757] |
Sat, 10 May 2003 12:49 |
Messages: 1039 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
just call them like this
play_animation eject_bone.eject_bone
play_animation eject_stationary.eject_stationary
Scripts [message #19758] |
Sat, 10 May 2003 13:05 |
Messages: 1039 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
quick explanation of some items i missed, that really don't have anything to do with text cinematic scripting....
when you see an object lets say test1.w3d, that plays an animation test2.swing_test3 then most likely test1.w3d and test3.w3d where exported using a skeleton (test2.w3d). soo, to recap in lamens terms
test1.w3d = hierarchal model exported with test2.w3d skeleton
test2.w3d = skeleton model (just bones)
swing_test3.w3d = a hierarchal animated model exported with the test2.w3d skeleton
this isn't uncommon
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