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Home » Renegade Discussions » Tactics and Strategies » A Faster Orca?
A Faster Orca? [message #-972905] Sun, 21 April 2002 23:49 Go to next message
I think the Orca should be more maneuverable and have a bit more throttle to it, if any of you have played the original Command & Conquer you’d know what I’am talking about.
A Faster Orca? [message #-972904] Mon, 22 April 2002 01:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I think the Orca should be more maneuverable and have a bit more throttle to it, if any of you have played the original Command & Conquer you’d know what I’am talking about.

Why do you say that? It's already the fastest unit in game, isn't it (among with the other choppers)?

And a lot of things have been changed from the original C&C.

A Faster Orca? [message #-972903] Mon, 22 April 2002 08:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
yea i know, i agree with the topic starter....but they wouildnt puta patch out just yet, cause they are still probably partying about the first patch(i knowi am...WHOOO HOO HERE COMES MY TRANSPORT)so id wait a couple of weeks b4 u make any suggestions THIS GOES FOR EVRY1 TOOOOOOOO
A Faster Orca? [message #-972902] Mon, 22 April 2002 10:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
No, they are pretty fast. Just watch them go buy; when you are in one yourself you seem to move slower than you actually are.
A Faster Orca? [message #-972901] Mon, 22 April 2002 19:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You gotta build up some speed, just like a humvee.
Myself I would like to see the orca have more powerful missles and the apache faster && more manueverable, too add more variety and preference.
A Faster Orca? [message #-972900] Mon, 22 April 2002 20:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
They are the biggest slackers I've ever seen acually.. They should of had a patch to balance things out yesturday imo.
A Faster Orca? [message #-972899] Tue, 23 April 2002 01:06 Go to previous message
dows anybody remember the movie from original C&C where they introduce the orca? it could move like 10x as fast and could BANK and sideslip? I wish the orcas could do that
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