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Home » Renegade Discussions » Tactics and Strategies » in multiplayer practise how do i set up the game how i like
in multiplayer practise how do i set up the game how i like [message #-973422] Wed, 17 April 2002 14:05 Go to next message
in multiplayer practise how do i set up the game how i like [message #-973421] Wed, 17 April 2002 14:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i have figured out how to change everythign but the map still messeing around with that one.

but if you have windows go to teh c drive clik where you have renegade then click on the data file and then scroll towrrds teh bottom where there is a file named srvcfg_skr.
double click then it brings up a bunch of settings you can cange any of tehm you want like time and credits ect..

in multiplayer practise how do i set up the game how i like [message #-973420] Thu, 18 April 2002 04:24 Go to previous message
if you change the maps on it all the other maps do not have ai
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