attention weapons modelers [message #-987283] |
Tue, 07 January 2003 19:12  |
Anyone who is making 1st-person weapons/hands should check out the f_skelleton.w3d file in the westwood wdump.exe tool, it should have a bunch of bone names and stuff in there that might explain stuff.
attention weapons modelers [message #-987282] |
Tue, 07 January 2003 20:30   |
Well that would be usful, except i dont understand wdump. I already figured out most of first view but this might help. Ill look more into, Thankyou. [ January 08, 2003, 03:33: Message edited by: psycoarmy ]
attention weapons modelers [message #-987281] |
Tue, 07 January 2003 21:34   |
ok, basicly, the only thing in f_skelleton.w3d is a heirarchy (which is what I expected) Bones are named as folows: ROOTTRANSFORM (I think this is common to all w3d files, represents the center point of the model) F_ L FOREARM F_ L HAND F_ L FINGER0 F_ L FINGER01 F_ L FINGER1 F_ L FINGER11 F_ L FINGER2 F_ L FINGER21 F_ L FINGER3 F_ L FINGER31 F_ L FINGER4 F_ L FINGER41 CLIPBONE F_ R FOREARM F_ R HAND F_ R FINGER0 F_ R FINGER01 F_ R FINGER1 F_ R FINGER11 F_ R FINGER2 F_ R FINGER21 F_ R FINGER3 F_ R FINGER31 F_ R FINGER4 F_ R FINGER41 GUNBONE Those are the exact bone names from the w3d file. Now for the hands (havocs). The actual 3d mesh data doesnt concern us, the "link" between the mesh data and the bones are kept in the W3D_CHUNK_VERTEX_INFLUENCES. Basicly, each vertex in the 3d data has a reference to a bone.
Now, an analysis of a weapon (the rifle in this case): F_CM_RIFL.w3d is the clip. Nothing to see here, just regular 3d data. F_GM_RIFL.w3d is the gun itself. Contains bones labeled EJECT, F_GM_RIFL, MUZZLEA0, F_CM_RIFL and ROOTTRANSFORM. It pulls in MZ_RIFL1.w3d (some kind of muzzle related thing)
The key is in the animation files. the f_gh_rifl_xxxx.w3d files controll the movement of the gun and clip when different actions happen. the f_ha_rifl_xxxx.w3d files on the other hand controll the position of the hands when different actions happen. The key is to figure out how to re-create these (I dont think its going to be doable without some kind of gmax file containing the skelleton ready to use as the base for the animation (you then point the exporter at the w3d file skelleton when you export I guess)
But basicly, the animation files basicly script the hand movements of the hands.
attention weapons modelers [message #-987280] |
Tue, 07 January 2003 21:42  |
Oh, i already knew all that. Remeber, PsycoArmy - first to get new hand models into renegade. I just dont know how to use the program. Can you please sign into msn or unblock me or whatever, i need to talk to u. [ January 08, 2003, 04:52: Message edited by: psycoarmy ]