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"you are an idiot" page contest (4 so far) KEEP PO [message #-965519] Thu, 17 October 2002 06:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
"you are an idiot" page contest (4 so far) KEEP PO [message #-965518] Sun, 03 November 2002 04:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I think the "little bit evil part" is a bit under-exaggerated.

Note: make sure all of your work is saved before clicking the link in the post before thsi one [Smile]

[ November 03, 2002, 11:44: Message edited by: Vendacious ]
"you are an idiot" page contest (4 so far) KEEP PO [message #-965517] Wed, 18 September 2002 09:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The best tactic I have ever used in games is in renegade. First this has to be map field..Okay when your team is getting kicked by GDI (happens everytime) then be a stealth guy and get out through the tunnels and go down the rocks and hide behind the waterfall with a stealth guy and wait till mammoths go by or other tanks and wait till they get out and bam steel it and then most of all sqosh the driver and make belive your on there side by shooting your harvy and go into your base....BTW your are completely safe with a stealth behind the waterfall you cant get hurt at all and if your right on the bridge infront of the water fall you can't see the stealth guy because hes suit blends in..Also be a stealth guy and get a sniper (weapon spawing) and go under the waterfall and snipe people...< mad fun!! Well c ya
"you are an idiot" page contest (4 so far) KEEP PO [message #-965516] Wed, 18 September 2002 10:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
If you turn the scope on as aa stealth guy, your stealth suit turns off...
"you are an idiot" page contest (4 so far) KEEP PO [message #-965515] Wed, 18 September 2002 16:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well known strategy but still a good one [Big Grin]

[ September 18, 2002, 23:53: Message edited by: vegita246 ]
"you are an idiot" page contest (4 so far) KEEP PO [message #-965514] Wed, 18 September 2002 16:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yes but like someone said, if you turn the scope on while you are a SBH and hide behind a rock eventually you will cloak again!
"you are an idiot" page contest (4 so far) KEEP PO [message #-965513] Wed, 18 September 2002 20:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wow the most obcious tactic in the game..useing Stelth to stel tanks [Roll Eyes]

a better tactic is nuking all 3 roofs on canyon similtaniously
"you are an idiot" page contest (4 so far) KEEP PO [message #-965512] Wed, 18 September 2002 20:40 Go to previous message
acting like a nobbie engy, trying to repair the enemies then, BAM!! C4 on their tanks then wait
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