Simple VIS tutorial for the curious [message #-995777] |
Mon, 23 September 2002 23:25   |
Hay ACK isn't this Spamming?
Commander Member # 53
Member Rated: posted August 10, 2002 05:30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------- Aircraftkiller AKA TankCmdr6 from the Renegade beta [ September 24, 2002, 06:27: Message edited by: captkurt1 ]
Simple VIS tutorial for the curious [message #-995776] |
Tue, 24 September 2002 02:59   |
quote: Originally posted by captkurt1: Hay ACK isn't this Spamming?
Commander Member # 53
Member Rated: posted August 10, 2002 05:30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------- Aircraftkiller AKA TankCmdr6 from the Renegade beta
No, it's called bringing important topics to the top so that others can see them.
Obviously the point here flew past your head.
Simple VIS tutorial for the curious [message #-995775] |
Tue, 24 September 2002 03:38   |
OK when I did the VIS tut on this last map C&C_Port it turned about half of the stuff invisable,(granularity 5. (trying to fix one VIS glitch) so How do I add VIS sectors or whatever in GMAX? I dont know how to do that.
Thats what I really need to know, how do you create VIS stuff in GMAX.
and oh yeah, KANE LIVES!
Simple VIS tutorial for the curious [message #-995773] |
Tue, 24 September 2002 07:28   |
quote: Originally posted by DeafWasp: Noob question of the day:
What is "VIS", and why would we need to do anything with it?
VIS is a "complex" term for what you see. VIS sectors is an area that can be used to translate where you are at. IE. If I was on one side of the cliff there is no way I can see a beach ball on the other. So with VIS it will make that ball disappear along with anything else that isn't visible to the place where I am at. The editor makes these data points that tell the game what to display. So on occasion you'll have to make manual sectors because "Porsches aren't made automatically."
Now garth the reason your VIS made all your stuff disappear is probably because it is one large mesh. Try splitting them up and then maybe a smaller "area" will disappear.
VIS is only used for the area where a person walks so the sectors only get made in the general vicinity. If you have air units then you'll have to make the sectors in the air. [ September 24, 2002, 14:29: Message edited by: Ingrownlip ]
Simple VIS tutorial for the curious [message #-995772] |
Tue, 24 September 2002 18:10   |
Yeah, I made a big 400x500 plane and added all my buildings for both teams on that and the rest of the map. One big mesh. Thanks. Still want to know how you create these special VIS points in GMAX?
Incase I ever need to fix the "backface Leak Rejected" or whatever.
also Ingrownlip, I will be using your tutorial alot in the next week or so to learn how to do the tiberium fields like you and make terrain.
Simple VIS tutorial for the curious [message #-995771] |
Wed, 25 September 2002 08:42   |
In the W3D tool options, check VIS for that particular mesh to make it a VIS sector. BTW, VIS is short for visibility I believe. [ September 25, 2002, 17:49: Message edited by: YSLMuffins ]
Simple VIS tutorial for the curious [message #-995770] |
Fri, 04 October 2002 04:38   |
I hate to bring up old subjects, but I need someone who is very knowledgeable in this vis stuff to contact me. I mean not only in how to do it, but why and where exactly such things should be done. Just put a message here, or pm me, then we'll arrange further contact from there.
Simple VIS tutorial for the curious [message #-995768] |
Fri, 04 October 2002 07:15   |
I have a question, when I made my VIS planes and such, instead of detaching each face which would give me A LOT of new names in GMAX,( I have a large map to work with) I instead detached each face as a new element of one large mesh, but not macking each its own object. Will this give me the same results as doing it the other way? I did it like this to save time, but I got plenty of time now, if I need to do it over. Thanks for any help you can give.
Simple VIS tutorial for the curious [message #-995767] |
Sat, 05 October 2002 06:03   |
You can also use the Explode method to get your VIS sectors done.
If you are doing VIS, there must be VIS sectors everywhere the player can move to, including the camera. If you have VIS sectors on one half of the map and no VIS on sectors on the other half, when moving to the area of the map with no VIS, that area will be completely invisible.
Simple VIS tutorial for the curious [message #-995766] |
Mon, 14 October 2002 12:10   |
OK, back to this post. When I make Vis sectors for flying maps up every 10 meters, do they need to be separate little meshes just like the ground? Or do I make a flat plane every 10 meters? This part I need to know. Please answer quickly.
Simple VIS tutorial for the curious [message #-995760] |
Thu, 16 January 2003 12:09   |
n000b question: "Discard VIS data (under the VIS menu), ..." where is the VIS menu?
-edit- oh wait, i thought you meant vis menu for renX [ January 16, 2003, 19:14: Message edited by: flamin yawn ]