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W3d import error [message #291753] Sat, 20 October 2007 20:43 Go to next message
Gen_Blacky is currently offline  Gen_Blacky
Messages: 3250
Registered: September 2006
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i got this error importing nod stealth tank in renx


Using coolfires w3d importer

			in coordsys gmPivots[p] setVert gmMeshes[i] v meshes[i].verts[v]
				-- to show influenced info at v1.08
				format "%: \n" meshes[i].header.meshName
				for p = 1 to hier.pivots.count do
					ivs = #()
					for v = 1 to meshes[i].vertInfs.count do
						if meshes[i].vertInfs[v] == (p - 1) do (append ivs v)
					if ivs.count > 1 do (format "% %: %\n" p hier.pivots[p].pivotName ivs)
		if (anim != undefined) and (hier != undefined) then
			if anim.header.frameCount > 1 then
				animationRange = interval 1 anim.header.frameCount -- edited at v1.07
				animationRange = interval 0 1
			frameRate = anim.header.frameRate
			for i = 1 to anim.channels.count do
				curChn = anim.channels[i]
				--curObj = execute ("$'" + hier.pivots[curChn.pivotID + 1].pivotName + "'") -- at v1.02. it should be curChn.pivotID + 1 at v1.04
				curObj = gmPivots[curChn.pivotID] -- test at v1.04
				--print curObj
				--print curChn
				if curObj != undefined then
					datumPos = hier.pivots[curChn.pivotID + 1].pos
					datumRot = hier.pivots[curChn.pivotID + 1].rotation
					case curChn.flags of
						0x0000: --ANIM_CHANNEL_X = 0
							curObj.pos.controller = linear_position()
							curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller 0
							curKey.value = datumPos
							for f = curChn.firstFrame to curChn.lastFrame do
								k = getKeyIndex curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
								if k == 0 then
									curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
									curKey.value = datumPos
									curKey = curObj.pos.controller.keys[k]
								curKey.value += [curChn.values[(f - curChn.firstFrame + 1)], 0, 0] * (inverse datumRot)
							--if curChn.firstFrame == 0 then
							--	curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (curChn.lastFrame + 2)
							--	curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (curChn.firstFrame)
							--curKey.value = datumPos
						0x0001: --ANIM_CHANNEL_Y = 1
							curObj.pos.controller = linear_position()
							curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller 0
							curKey.value = datumPos
							for f = curChn.firstFrame to curChn.lastFrame do
								k = getKeyIndex curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
								if k == 0 then
									curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
									curKey.value = datumPos
									curKey = curObj.pos.controller.keys[k]
								curKey.value += [0, curChn.values[(f - curChn.firstFrame + 1)], 0] * (inverse datumRot)
							--if curChn.firstFrame == 0 then
							--	k = getKeyIndex curObj.pos.controller (curChn.lastFrame + 1)
							--	if k == 0 then
							--	(
							--		curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (curChn.lastFrame + 1)
							--		curKey.value = datumPos
							--	)
							--	k = getKeyIndex curObj.pos.controller (curChn.firstFrame - 1)
							--	if k == 0 then
							--	(
							--		curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (curChn.firstFrame - 1)
							--		curKey.value = datumPos
							--	)
						0x0002: --ANIM_CHANNEL_Z = 2
							curObj.pos.controller = linear_position()
							curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller 0
							curKey.value = datumPos
							for f = curChn.firstFrame to curChn.lastFrame do
								k = getKeyIndex curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
								if k == 0 then
									curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
									curKey.value = datumPos
									curKey = curObj.pos.controller.keys[k]
								curKey.value += [0, 0, curChn.values[(f - curChn.firstFrame + 1)]] * (inverse datumRot)
							--if curChn.firstFrame == 0 then
							--	k = getKeyIndex curObj.pos.controller (curChn.lastFrame + 1)
							--	if k == 0 then
							--	(
							--		curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (curChn.lastFrame + 1)
							--		curKey.value = datumPos
							--	)
							--	k = getKeyIndex curObj.pos.controller (curChn.firstFrame - 1)
							--	if k == 0 then
							--	(
							--		curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (curChn.firstFrame - 1)
							--		curKey.value = datumPos
							--	)
					--	--0x0003: --ANIM_CHANNEL_XR = 3
					--	--(
					--	--	curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller f
					--	--	curKey.value.x = curChn.values[(f - curChn.firstFrame + 1)]
					--	--)
					--	--0x0004: --ANIM_CHANNEL_YR = 4
					--	--(
					--	--	curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller f
					--	--	curKey.value.y = curChn.values[(f - curChn.firstFrame + 1)]
					--	--)
					--	--0x0005: --ANIM_CHANNEL_ZR = 5
					--	--(
					--	--	curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller f
					--	--	curKey.value.z = curChn.values[(f - curChn.firstFrame + 1)]
					--	--)
						0x0006: --ANIM_CHANNEL_Q = 6
							curObj.rotation.controller = linear_rotation()
							curKey = addNewKey curObj.rotation.controller 0
							curKey.value = datumRot
							for f = curChn.firstFrame to curChn.lastFrame do
								curKey = addNewKey curObj.rotation.controller (f + 1)
								curKey.value = curChn.values[(f - curChn.firstFrame + 1)] - (inverse datumRot)
							--if curChn.firstFrame == 0 then
							--	k = getKeyIndex curObj.rotation.controller (curChn.lastFrame + 1)
							--	if k == 0 then
							--	(
							--		curKey = addNewKey curObj.rotation.controller (curChn.lastFrame + 1)
							--		curKey.value = datumRot
							--	)
							--	k = getKeyIndex curObj.rotation.controller (curChn.firstFrame - 1)
							--	if k == 0 then
							--	(
							--		curKey = addNewKey curObj.rotation.controller (curChn.firstFrame - 1)
							--		curKey.value = datumRot
							--	)
			for i = 1 to anim.bitchannels.count do
				curChn = anim.bitchannels[i]
				-- curObj = execute ("$'" + hier.pivots[curChn.pivotID].pivotName + "'") -- at v1.02. it should be curChn.pivotID + 1 at v1.04
				curObj = gmPivots[curChn.pivotID] -- test at v1.04
				if curObj != undefined then
					case curChn.flags of
						0x0000: --BIT_CHANNEL_VIS = 0	// turn meshes on and off depending on anim frame.
							defVal = (curChn.defaultVal > 0)
							curObj.visibility = defVal
							curObj.visibility.controller = On_Off()
							curKey = addNewKey curObj.visibility.controller 0
							curKey.selected = defVal
							prevVal = defVal
							byteIdx = 1
							bitIdx = 1
							for f = curChn.firstFrame to curChn.lastFrame do
								curVal = bit.get (curChn.values[byteIdx]) bitIdx
								if curVal != prevVal then
									curKey = addNewKey curObj.visibility.controller (f + 1)
									curKey.selected = curVal
									prevVal = curVal
								bitIdx += 1
								if bitIdx > 8 then
									byteIdx += 1
									bitIdx = 1							
							--curKey = addNewKey curObj.visibility.controller (curChn.lastFrame + 1)
							--curKey.selected = defVal
			) --for end
		) --if end
		if (cmpAnim != undefined) and (hier != undefined) then
			if cmpAnim.header.frameCount > 1 then
				animationRange = interval 1 cmpAnim.header.frameCount -- edited at v1.07
				animationRange = interval 0 1
			frameRate = cmpAnim.header.frameRate
			case cmpAnim.header.flavor of
					for i = 1 to cmpAnim.channels.count do
						curChn = cmpAnim.channels[i]
						curObj = gmPivots[curChn.pivotID] -- test at v1.04
						if curObj != undefined then
							datumPos = hier.pivots[curChn.pivotID + 1].pos
							datumRot = hier.pivots[curChn.pivotID + 1].rotation
							case curChn.flags of
								0x0000: --ANIM_CHANNEL_TIMECODED_X = 0
									curObj.pos.controller = linear_position()
									curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller 0
									curKey.value = datumPos
									for t = 1 to curChn.timeCodesCount do
										fNext = curChn.values[t].keyTime
										vNext = curChn.values[t].keyValue
										if t > 1 then
											fPrev = curChn.values[(t - 1)].keyTime + 1
											vPrev = curChn.values[(t - 1)].keyValue
											fPrev = fNext
											vPrev = vNext
										for f = fPrev to fNext do
											k = getKeyIndex curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
											if k == 0 then
												curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
												curKey.value = datumPos
												curKey = curObj.pos.controller.keys[k]
											step = vPrev + ((vNext - vPrev) * (f - fPrev + 1) / (fNext - fPrev + 1))
											curKey.value += [step, 0, 0] * (inverse datumRot)
								0x0001: --ANIM_CHANNEL_TIMECODED_Y = 1
									curObj.pos.controller = linear_position()
									curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller 0
									curKey.value = datumPos
									for t = 1 to curChn.timeCodesCount do
										fNext = curChn.values[t].keyTime
										vNext = curChn.values[t].keyValue
										if t > 1 then
											fPrev = curChn.values[(t - 1)].keyTime + 1
											vPrev = curChn.values[(t - 1)].keyValue
											fPrev = fNext
											vPrev = vNext
										for f = fPrev to fNext do
											k = getKeyIndex curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
											if k == 0 then
												curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
												curKey.value = datumPos
												curKey = curObj.pos.controller.keys[k]
											step = vPrev + ((vNext - vPrev) * (f - fPrev + 1) / (fNext - fPrev + 1))
											curKey.value += [0, step, 0] * (inverse datumRot)
								0x0002: --ANIM_CHANNEL_TIMECODED_Z = 2
									curObj.pos.controller = linear_position()
									curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller 0
									curKey.value = datumPos
									for t = 1 to curChn.timeCodesCount do
										fNext = curChn.values[t].keyTime
										vNext = curChn.values[t].keyValue
										if t > 1 then
											fPrev = curChn.values[(t - 1)].keyTime + 1
											vPrev = curChn.values[(t - 1)].keyValue
											fPrev = fNext
											vPrev = vNext
										for f = fPrev to fNext do
											k = getKeyIndex curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
											if k == 0 then
												curKey = addNewKey curObj.pos.controller (f + 1)
												curKey.value = datumPos
												curKey = curObj.pos.controller.keys[k]
											step = vPrev + ((vNext - vPrev) * (f - fPrev + 1) / (fNext - fPrev + 1))
											curKey.value += [0, 0, step] * (inverse datumRot)
								0x0006: --ANIM_CHANNEL_TIMECODED_Q = 6
									curObj.rotation.controller = linear_rotation()
									curKey = addNewKey curObj.rotation.controller 0
									curKey.value = datumRot
									for t = 1 to curChn.timeCodesCount do
										f = curChn.values[t].keyTime
										curKey = addNewKey curObj.rotation.controller (f + 1)
										curKey.value = curChn.values[t].keyValue - (inverse datumRot)
					--for i = 1 to cmpAnim.bitchannels.count do
					--	curChn = cmpAnim.bitchannels[i]
					--	curObj = gmPivots[curChn.pivotID] -- test at v1.04
					--	if curObj != undefined then
					--	(
					--		case curChn.flags of
					--		(
					--			--0x0000: --BIT_CHANNEL_VIS = 0	// turn meshes on and off depending on anim frame.
					--			0x0001: --BIT_CHANNEL_TIMECODED_VIS = 1
					--			(
					--				defVal = (curChn.defaultVal > 0)
					--				curObj.visibility = defVal
					--				curObj.visibility.controller = On_Off()
					--				curKey = addNewKey curObj.visibility.controller 0
					--				curKey.selected = defVal
					--				prevVal = defVal
					--				byteIdx = 1
					--				bitIdx = 1
					--				for t = 1 to curChn.timeCodesCount do
					--				(
					--					f = curChn.values[t].time
					--					curVal = bit.get (curChn.values[byteIdx]) bitIdx
					--					if curVal != prevVal then
					--					(
					--						curKey = addNewKey curObj.visibility.controller (f + 1)
					--						curKey.selected = curVal
					--						prevVal = curVal
					--					)
					--					bitIdx += 1
					--					if bitIdx > 8 then
					--					(
					--						byteIdx += 1
					--						bitIdx = 1							
					--					)
					--				)
					--			)
					--		)
					--	)
					--) --for end
				--0x2: --ANIM_FLAVOR_VALID
		) --if end
		if pickbox != undefined then
			sName = pickbox.boxName
			dotPos = findString sName "."
			if (dotPos != undefined) and (dotPos < sName.count) do (sName = subString sName (dotPos + 1) -1)
			gmBox = Box name:sName 
			gmBox.width = pickbox.extent.x 
			gmBox.length = pickbox.extent.y 
			gmBox.height = pickbox.extent.z
			gmBox.wirecolor = pickbox.boxColor

macroscript ImportW3D
	category: "W3D Importer"
	buttontext: "Import W3D"
	tooltip: "Coolfile W3D Importer"
Re: W3d import error [message #291821 is a reply to message #291753] Sun, 21 October 2007 07:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oblivion165 is currently offline  Oblivion165
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1. Make sure that it all was extracted in "Gmax\gamepacks\Westwood\RenX\"

2. Note that the importer will error or just import blob mesh for w3d's that were exported via 3dsmax w3d export.

3. Make sure you are not trying to run the script via MaxScript and are assigning it a key via Customize ~ Customize User Interface

Like so:

4. Make sure you have the version for Gmax.
  • Attachment: renx.jpg
    (Size: 106.73KB, Downloaded 309 times)

WOL: Ob165ion Skype: Oblivion165 Yahoo Instant Messenger: CaptainJohn165

[Updated on: Sun, 21 October 2007 07:03]

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Re: W3d import error [message #291852 is a reply to message #291753] Sun, 21 October 2007 11:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gen_Blacky is currently offline  Gen_Blacky
Messages: 3250
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im use cool fires w3d importer not deans
Re: W3d import error [message #291858 is a reply to message #291753] Sun, 21 October 2007 11:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oblivion165 is currently offline  Oblivion165
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Never heard of it but are you sure its from Westwood W3d and not shockwave w3d?

WOL: Ob165ion Skype: Oblivion165 Yahoo Instant Messenger: CaptainJohn165
Re: W3d import error [message #291863 is a reply to message #291753] Sun, 21 October 2007 11:41 Go to previous message
Ethenal is currently offline  Ethenal
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Next time, please use spoilers to your advantage. Huh

-TLS-DJ-EYE-K wrote on Mon, 18 March 2013 07:29

Instead of showing us that u aren't more inteligent than a Toast, maybe you should start becomming good in renegade Thumbs Up

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