A Few, Quick, MODding Questions.... [message #-987325] |
Tue, 07 January 2003 14:11  |
Hi, all! My first post here. Woh'hooo!
Anyway, to the point....
I'm thinking about doing a TC. I want to bring Dark Reign: Rise Of The Shadowhand to Renegade.
However, before I commit myself to anything, or get my hopes up, I'd like to get an idea of what is and isn't possible in Renegade.
So, a few questions....
1) Do MOD's have to be a part of a specific map? Or can they be made so they apply to all maps?
2) Is it possible to add catagories to the PT? Such "Request Reinforcements"?
3) Is it possible to make Bots avaliable to buy from the PT? And can we give each avaliable Bot a certain AI(Such as Defend, Attack, Repair)?
4) Is it possible to give a flying unit limited ammo, and make the Helipad reload the craft when you land on it?
5) Is it possible to have two types of resources? At the moment there is just Tiberium. Also, can we give more than one building a Resourcer, and have it go towards a certain Resource?
Hmmm, did that last one make sense?
6) Last question, well, the last one I can remember.
Can we make Vehical Bots avaliable at the PT? (Like the infantry only from the Warfactory/Air Strip)
Phew! Ok, so there are more than a few, and I'm sure some of them arn't all that simple, but if these things are possible....
Anyway, there you go. Many thanks in advance.
A Few, Quick, MODding Questions.... [message #-987324] |
Tue, 07 January 2003 14:38   |
first welcome
q1: well if u make a mod, it wont modify all westwood map... u must create a sperate mod with your map... or westwood lvleditor map if u want it...
q2: add? no modify yes. btw if u want reinforcement just make something like a paradrop beacon calling bots
q3: maybe bought vehicle bots but not soldier bots... sorry
q4: Im pretty sure no... renegade limitation...
q5: as i saw so far how everything work, no:L u place a tiberium zone.. and when the harvester go back to ref u selected the amount of cash it return....so the harvester dont really harvest, the rafinery just wait for the miner to make it back to let it give cash...
q6: i awnsered this one i think its makeable easely since its a vehicle it create and u attach somescript and ect...
hope i helped
A Few, Quick, MODding Questions.... [message #-987323] |
Tue, 07 January 2003 14:44   |
Paradrop Beacon? I like that idea even better.
Would it be possible to create different types of Paradrop Beacons? One for each type of unit? Also, is it possible to make Engineers/Technicians actualy repair stuff?
A Few, Quick, MODding Questions.... [message #-987322] |
Tue, 07 January 2003 14:47   |
yea.. just make one paradrop beacon for ingeneer, another for attack soldier, another for defence soldier.. that would be makeable nice idea [ January 07, 2003, 21:47: Message edited by: Francois ]
A Few, Quick, MODding Questions.... [message #-987321] |
Tue, 07 January 2003 14:53   |
Hmm, this could be a lot of fun....
Thanks for the quick reply.
Also, since I'm here, I'd like to hear what ideas everyone here has for this. What kinda things would you like to see in this TC, should it materialise?
At the moment, I'm somewhat excited about the idea of a Martyr Paradrop Beacon. Of course, we'll have to do something to make the Paradrop more Dark Reign'ish. ![[Smile]](smile.gif) [ January 07, 2003, 22:04: Message edited by: Zeelich ]
A Few, Quick, MODding Questions.... [message #-987320] |
Wed, 08 January 2003 14:44   |
One more question, one I ment to ask earlier....
What kinda polys counts should I aim for?
Yeah, I know, I should do a search, but I really don't want to have to do that, it's a hassel.
A Few, Quick, MODding Questions.... [message #-987318] |
Wed, 08 January 2003 16:35   |
Everything is possible if you can program in C++ and stuff. JW is/has wrote custom scripts to do lots of cool stuff. It just depends on how much you can hack and decompile. Normally though, some of those things arn't possible with the standard mod tools and basic modding.
not to flame, but its Mod or mod not MOD. LOL
and oh yeah, KANE LIVES!