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Insane crazy (fun) mod idea (roofgnomes) [message #-998632] |
Mon, 29 April 2002 00:43  |
I dont have time to do this, but i just have to get the ideas out anyway. (yeah, yeah come on laugh at me, yeah....) Well, here goes: (Please note that i reserve all rights to the idea making of a such mod, and will sue or something if people make something out of it that i dont like , not trying to sound like a...something...)
<b>ATG: Attack of the Gnomes</b> (I TOLD you it was crazy )
</font><ul type="square"><li><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif">1: Humans </font></li><li><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif">2: Roof-Gnomes</font></li></ul><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, sans-serif">Background: Humans are the good guys, bent on exterminating the evil roof-gnomes (named such because they often dwell in the ceiling of houses), which in their turn is bent on brainwashing, killing the humans and desroying their houses and civilization (sp?). The evil roof-gnomes have emerged from the darkness, with their headquarters being in a school, which has been abondened long time ago, when the roof-gnomes came. Now the humans and roof-gnomes are fighting a battle for survival and bla, bla, bla both with cruel and malicious weapons. <b>Roofgnomes:</b> The roofgnomes are small, quick, but lacks great firepower is not able to take as much damage as humans. They have captured some human technology, including balistic missiles (and silos), which they use to their advantage. (Thats their superweapon, yes, just a huge missile doing massive damage). They dont have many vehiclesor advanced technology, but they have the ability to get around quick and unnoticed, due to their low stature, and can acess areas where humans cant go. They make use of melee weapons, as swords and axes (not saying they dont use guns). Roof-gnome buildings are more caves than buildings, or they make use of (old, sometimes) abandoned buildings. They have a terrible (defense) weapon known as the Obelisk of Gnomes. (basicly the same as Obelisk of Light), and also a rumored super-weapon known as the "Death-Gnome".
<b>Humans:</b> Humans are just that: Humans. Normal physics and stuff, and utilise more ranged weapon and advanced technoloy then the roof-gnomes. Their super-weapon is a chemical missile, that does little damage to buildings, but kills all gnomes in the immediate sorroundings, and creates a huge gas-cloud that spreads out from the impact-site. Humans make use of some explosives, and also sope and parfume (maybe), since it seems that gnomes dislike very much, and might even take damage of, exposure to such substances. To make up for their lack for building destrutction via beacons, and the roof-gnomes ability to move around faster, their buildings has three (or more) "MCT"s, or support areas, that keep the building up, and that has to be destroyed for the builing to be destroyed and crumble. (If totally destroyed support areas can be repaired can be a server-side option. Even if a building has more than three such areas, only three has to be destroyed at once to desteroy the building). Humans also have more heavily armor.
Gnome-Lord, The Roof-gnomes leader and commander. (only one available at once in multiplayer, or not available at all.)
Gnome Vader. The gnomes second in command, a human brainwashed to the point of belieaving he is a gnome. (only one available at once. Extremely powerfull, cannot be killed, but converted to the dark side by enough human bright knights (or something).
Darth gnome: Does half damage of Gnome Vader and can be killed. Medium health and light armor
1337 Gnome: Elite gnome, extra fast and with other abilitys (i.e jumping higher). Carries extra much C4. Kamikaze gnome: Carries loads of explosives, but can not place them on something, only detonating them while they are being carried, as the C4 is strapped to the body.
Brainwasher gnome: Using a mixture of chemicals and physic warfare methods, brainwashes the enemy into crazy bots that will attack their own team until killed (or converted back to the bright side, by bright knights, or something).
Grunt gnome (free): Weilding a club/axe/pike and knifes (5, can be throwed), plus a C4 package.
Archer gnome: Weilds a shortbow and knife, dealing medium damage with the bow.
Techie gnome: Runs around healing gnomes to a extent (75 \% health) and fixing holes in ceilings/walls (repairing buildings/caves).
Pyromaniac gnome (low-level): Carries gas-bombs (throwed), doing a good deal of damage to unprotected infantry. (Small bombs, might need a few to make a kill, on low-level chracters)
Berzerker gnome: Fast, heavily armored, weilding a heavy battle-axe. No knifes, 1 C4.
Assasin gnome: (high, but not boss-level) Fast, may scale/climb walls (making it possible to make use of passageways/air ducts in the ceiling/). Instant (or two-hit) kill from behind with knife-stabs (or piano-wire, if standing high enough to reach the neck). Have the advantage of jumping down on and surprising enemies, if waiting in the ceiling or something. 1 C4. 2 extra (good) throwing knifes. May also be used as socut, because of (extra) high speed and the ability to climb/scale walls.
Cloaked gnome: Using the powers of the gnome-side somehow, those gnomes have the ability to cloak (stealth). Weapons: (medium long) Sword and 2 knifes (can be throwed). 1 C4. Can be heard, so wise to walk soft, and with a long sword.
Phew, that was it for the gnome-side for now i think. Sorry that there is no list of (ideas for) buildings/more weapons/vehicles. I am not sure about the human side (conserning characters and such) yet. I might be fleshing this out a bit more later, but not right now. Thank you if you read through all this.
You may now commence the laughing, pointing and flaming. [ July 04, 2002, 08:47: Message edited by: brutus ]
Insane crazy (fun) mod idea (roofgnomes) [message #-998622] |
Mon, 29 April 2002 02:43   |
Well, they might get a supporting role, or something, like the forgotten, since they are gnomes, they too.  But i think wall-gnomes would be more realistic to get in first, since they are closer relatives to the roof-gnomes.
Insane crazy (fun) mod idea (roofgnomes) [message #-998617] |
Mon, 29 April 2002 23:16   |
Rough scetch (sp?) of Human characters.  Just gave them name for no reason (that i will reveal, that is ). Andulf: All-round fighter. 9mm Glock, (must be bough seperetaly?(sp?) ) sword/club/stick (selectable) and knife. Evulf: Tall, fast, jumps extra high. 25\% to health (more than base characters). Long stick/tube of metal/wood or spear/pike. Eiulf: .45 magnum (can also carry wooden stick, as most characters), fast, can do salto (sp?) (uh, you know, a jump, rotating forward/bakcwards, landing on your feet) +30/35 \% to health Ollulf: Stick/sword/9 mm Glock. Evalf: Shotgun Espulf: Axe/short sword/dagger. Can ram people/gnomes at high speed. Kicks. Terjulf: Sword/9 mm Glock. (also included?: ) Steffulf: Sword/ 9 mm Glock +(hand)Grenades. Jallulf): to stamina. Sword/club/9 MM Glock. Engineer (Thomulf): 2 timed, two remote C4 (In lack of advanced engineer classes?), no armor. 1 pocket-knife (works as mini-toolkit), might carry more tools. Bright Knight 1: (Ollulf?) +25(?)\% to armor? Laser Sword (are we going to get sued here?) Bright Knight 2: (Terjulf?) Same as above Bright Knight 3: (Eiulf?) Same as above. Bright Knight 4 ?) (Jallulf?) Same as above. Remember: Bright Knights can be used to convert Darth Gnome(?) I think of that as just the base of the characters, except the Bright Knights. More weapons couldcan be bought, or more advanced versions of the characters purchased. Economics: Also weird and twisted. Might be changed, ofcourse.  Humans: Instead of ransporting something TO the base, humans have to export kebabs (or something else) to a pick-up point outside the base to earn money. Gnomes: Have a similiar system. They (can) sell building materials from a bunch of buildings outside the base, which trucks pick up. When the turcks depart at the edge/end/whatever of the map, money is given to the gnomes. 2 credits per second can be turned on/off. (would at least be nice). Thats it for this time, guys.  (Stulf and Stalf taken out (from the human characters list), didnt feel like having "fictional character" anymore....cause, if i might have a chance to get some photos that can be used as base for skins now, which would be impossible with ficitonal characters....i know, it doesnt make sense )
[ May 09, 2002: Message edited by: brutus ]
Insane crazy (fun) mod idea (roofgnomes) [message #-998610] |
Tue, 30 April 2002 02:21   |
It seems like i forgot this (sorry for the new post): Each of the humans MCT's, or "support points" can only take a third of what a Gnome or normal Renegade MCT can take (3 C4's) So even though you have to destroy three support points to destroy a building, you only need three C4, one for each MCT (support point). (or, would need, as it isnt reality just yet ). [ April 30, 2002: Message edited by: brutus ]
Insane crazy (fun) mod idea (roofgnomes) [message #-998609] |
Tue, 30 April 2002 03:19   |
I will see if i can clear out some space on my site so that i can uplaod the gnome picture. (remember, its not skinned or anyhting, anyone who want to do that? Also, it is full of flaws and stuff since its one of m very first models, with loads of unnesecary faces and stuff)
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