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GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981035] Mon, 18 February 2002 02:01 Go to next message
Most people will beg to defer on this, but personally I think GDI has far before weapons in MP.

They have the mamoth tank that can take a lot of damage. Try destroying a mamoth tank with a NOD stealth tank or any other NOD tank, its not an easy task.

The GDI infantry is far more superior than NODs infantry. Hell a simple infantry soldier was able to destroy a stealth tank with onky a few shots.

The GDI Advanced guard tower is better than the NODs laser tower. Sure it make have 2 turrets but its not like the advanced GDI guard tower. You can simply avoids NODs laser tower by jumping every few seconds. Where as the GDI tower has both rockets and machine guns... try avoiding those while trying to sneak into the base.

And NODs stealth tank is not really all that stealth now its it. Hell infantry soldiers can spot the tank. And even the NOD infantry soldier that can go stealth is the same thing, you can always get spotted.

Personally I think the sides are not matched evenly. GDI has a far more advantage than NOD. Thats why everyone picks GDI Razz

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981034] Mon, 18 February 2002 03:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by no_pulse:
Most people will beg to defer on this, but personally I think GDI has far before weapons in MP.

They have the mamoth tank that can take a lot of damage. Try destroying a mamoth tank with a NOD stealth tank or any other NOD tank, its not an easy task.

This is true, but Mammoths are 1500-credit vehicles. GDI has strong but expensive vehicles; NOD has weaker but less expensive vehicles. Going one-on-one is not a good idea.

The GDI infantry is far more superior than NODs infantry. Hell a simple infantry soldier was able to destroy a stealth tank with onky a few shots.

The infantry are almost identical. A minigunner is NOT able to take out a tank with only a few shots (or even a few hundred shots).

The GDI Advanced guard tower is better than the NODs laser tower. Sure it make have 2 turrets but its not like the advanced GDI guard tower. You can simply avoids NODs laser tower by jumping every few seconds. Where as the GDI tower has both rockets and machine guns... try avoiding those while trying to sneak into the base.

This is one thing I definately agree with you on. A GDI soldier can infiltrate the NOD base VERY easily, but a NOD soldier has no hope of infiltrating the GDI base without the Guard Tower or Power Plant destroyed. Hopefully this problem just the "Under" map. GDI can run-and-jump past NOD defenses and plant C4 just about anywhere, which I don't mind, but there should be an equal defensive hole in GDI's base.

And NODs stealth tank is not really all that stealth now its it. Hell infantry soldiers can spot the tank. And even the NOD infantry soldier that can go stealth is the same thing, you can always get spotted.

Perhaps you've never played the original Command & Conquer. Stealth works just fine until you're either shot or you pass by an enemy unit.

Personally I think the sides are not matched evenly. GDI has a far more advantage than NOD. Thats why everyone picks GDI Razz

I agree. GDI can overwhelm with tanks or sneak into the NOD base with little problem, but just about the only way I've seen NOD take out the GDI base is with a flame-tank rush. And God knows the players I play with are too stupid to use that tactic =).

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981033] Mon, 18 February 2002 03:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
well, I dont think so! I played nod quite a lot of time, and i never lost any game by this time! but let me be more specific...

That's true, mamoth tanks are pretty strong, but huge and slow! use 2 stealtu tanks, and it,s gone for sure... just keep moving, fire twice or trice, and move away and get cloaked again. this is verry confusing for the mamoth driver.... got quite a few kill even in one on one that way!

About infantry, well, i must admit that flame troopers are quite useless, as well as chem troopers, but the laser rifle is quit good! As for your exemple, well, personal ion canon (as well as nod railgun) is quite powerfull against vehicule, and stealth tank are lightly armored.

about the base defence, well, as for infantry, never try, so I can't say anything, but just try to get a tank past the obelisk... impossible... it destroys vehicule quite fast, faster than AGT. ant it is supposed to have a longer range to (but that does not really apply in this map) I was able to gat in the middle of a gdi base with a single APC. dont even try it against an obelisk

About the stealth tank, I know there's supposed to be a little bug with the cloaking. About infantry, i think that only mobius and one or two other class can se it at anytime. Other infantry unit can only see it when they are in splash range. Killed a lot of people that way! try it, it's fun!

To conclude this post, I'd say that the teams are even, but you have tu use a different combat tactic with each one... hope you will now enjoy nod as well as GDI, and that my advices will be usefull!

See you on the battlefeild

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981032] Mon, 18 February 2002 04:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
No team can be more superior. Supererior means that one team is overwhelmingly more powerful than all the rest. Therefore, only one team can be superior, no such thing as, more superior.
GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981031] Mon, 18 February 2002 04:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message

They have the mamoth tank that can take a lot of damage. Try destroying a mamoth tank with a NOD stealth tank or any other NOD tank, its not an easy task.

You're using the wrong tank my friend, the Stealth Tank is the weakest Nod tank. It only has 200HP! What you need to use is a Flame Tank. A Flame Tank has more armor and 400HP! It doesn't hurt infantry much but it will SLAUGHTER vehicles. You can take out a mammoth pretty fast with one Flame Tank.

The GDI infantry is far more superior than NODs infantry. Hell a simple infantry soldier was able to destroy a stealth tank with onky a few shots.

The only thing I can think of here is that you mean the GDI "Grenadier" free class. These guys can hurt vehicles bad, although not to the point of killing an ST in "a few shots". I was disappointed that there is no free grenade/rocket class for Nod. However, GDI Grenadiers are EASY KILLS to other infantry. I massacre them with the basic assault rifle.

The GDI Advanced guard tower is better than the NODs laser tower. Sure it make have 2 turrets but its not like the advanced GDI guard tower. You can simply avoids NODs laser tower by jumping every few seconds. Where as the GDI tower has both rockets and machine guns... try avoiding those while trying to sneak into the base.

No argument here, the AGT is crazy. I have never seen it destroyed in a 32 player game. Ever. It even has the advantage of multiple machine guns so it can hit several different targets at the same time and with the high rate of fire it does NOT miss. Brutal.

And NODs stealth tank is not really all that stealth now its it. Hell infantry soldiers can spot the tank. And even the NOD infantry soldier that can go stealth is the same thing, you can always get spotted.

I was a little disappointed in how visible the stealth tanks are. The infantry on the other hand can be harder than heck to spot unless you're close. I personally think all the stealth units should have been half as visible.

Personally I think the sides are not matched evenly. GDI has a far more advantage than NOD. Thats why everyone picks GDI Razz

Well that is partially because this map is in GDI's favor. The AGT is better at killing intruders on this map and you can't hit any part of the GDI base in a frontal assault without being attacked by the AGT. You can destroy several Nod buildings without ever being shot at by their defenses.

I feel sure that some of the other MP maps give the Nod the edge and then everybody wants to play them.

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981030] Mon, 18 February 2002 04:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
so sorry, forum lag, I thought first few didn't go through

[ February 18, 2002: Message edited by: RageMachine ]

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981029] Mon, 18 February 2002 04:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
so sorry, forum lag, I thought first few didn't go through

[ February 18, 2002: Message edited by: RageMachine ]

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981028] Mon, 18 February 2002 04:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I play as GDI just because of Md.Tank -- its more versatile than MM Tank and can take on any NOD vehicles. Unless the opponent is an experienced tank operator (from OPF for example)
GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981027] Mon, 18 February 2002 04:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
the AGT is quite powerfull, true, but is supposed to have a shorter range than the obelisk. Makes no difference on this map, but should be different in other. and I was recently able to destroy an AGT in a direct frontal tank assault this morning. One mlrs, one medium tanks (the two of them stolen by teammates) a light tank and my stealth tank, along with 2 ingies I think. Ok, we were only two alive tanks alive at the end, but that was quite satisfying!!!!
GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981026] Mon, 18 February 2002 04:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Oh, I really prefer nod stealth tank! there just too confusing! I can blow up up to four ennemy vehicules before getting even damaged!!! and that's when ingies come into play! tsy to take out a mamoth with a single stealth, it's an hard job, but with the right tactic, you almos have a 75\% chance of winning!!!
GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981025] Mon, 18 February 2002 04:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
actually, i'm part of everybody and i choose nod when possible

for the flame tanks and stealth troopers

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981024] Mon, 18 February 2002 17:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i like more to be nod, than gdi, because i can use the blackhand trooper, the invisible one, cant remember the exact name, but that can do a lot of damage to tanks its very powerfull
GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981023] Mon, 18 February 2002 06:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Can't say I agree with the Stealth Tank being so inferior. I'm a mammoth fan, but I've taken out multiple mammoths, at the same time, just using some brain (that lump 3 feet above your arse Wink).

Keep your distance, keep cloaking, and don't stay still. The amount of time (rediculosly long, IRL it would be much shorter) for the mammoths shell to cross a distance to hit you, you can move to avoid it. It enrages them beyond belief to be unable to even hit you. Then stealth up, lob some missles at them and run away. They always back down, frustrated, unable to hit the stealth.

Up close and personal? Let's not talk about that Wink. That takes a bit of fancy driving (which the stealth can do, it's so quick and sexy ;D)

As far as GDI GT vs NOD OB+Turrets, I'd say they both have their advantages. I find the GDI tower much more menacing, and virtually unviewable/approachable as infantry. The NOD tower on the other hand can only shoot at one target at a time, is much slower, and the turrets are usually "dumb". I can get into and destroy the obelisk (sp) much easier.

Either way, rushing into the base with an APC to hug either tower renders them defenseless (don't shoot close range, either of them), allows you to get into the tower to kill it (c4 on the term). APC on both sides has plenty of HP to make it in despite a heavy barraging from the towers and arbitrary units running around.

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981022] Mon, 18 February 2002 06:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
AGT is a tuff tower, but it can be taken out early. I was on a server, when someone on our team nailed it in 5 minutes... no idea how either.
GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981021] Mon, 18 February 2002 09:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Balance is fine in my oppinion, but the map lends abit in GDIs favour since you can take out buildings outside the obelisk range.

I must agree that the obelisk needs a powerboost. Personally, a quiker rate of fire would be nice since it has no specialized anti infantery weapon.

Since GDI mammoth tank costs 1500, Nod could get two light tanks or two flame tanks (or a mix of them) for almost the same price(1600).
Flame tanks does very much damage to armor as mentioned before and light tanks often move to quikly for the mammoth, at least in numbers.
Stealth tanks are also perfect in my oppinion, as the have a fine balance between advantges/price/disadvantages.

Personally, I like C4'ing (if thats a word ) mammoths, as they have a tendancy to concentrate on armor

[ February 18, 2002: Message edited by: [NAF]Toxin Soldier ]

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981020] Mon, 18 February 2002 09:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by no_pulse:
Most people will beg to defer on this, but personally I think GDI has far before weapons in MP.

I beg to differ.

They have the mamoth tank that can take a lot of damage. Try destroying a mamoth tank with a NOD stealth tank or any other NOD tank, its not an easy task.

Have you seen the last movie that was shot? a steelth tank was crushing a mammoth pretty badly, and it didn't really take damage till the person that made it (in the medium tank) shot at it, which was pretty dead at the end of the video

[ February 18, 2002: Message edited by: generalfox ]

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981019] Mon, 18 February 2002 09:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
u dont even need tanks or a apc to take out the agt or ob.... just take out the power plant
GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981018] Mon, 18 February 2002 12:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I actually do have a bit of a problem with the mammoth tank... but it may be more of a problem with engineers. Last night I was in a game, and there were three of us in mobile artillery (as well as a rocket officer) pounding on a mammoth tank. I think we got the tank down to a little over 2/3s before all of us were wiped out, and all because an engineer was hanging behind it, out of sight, repairing it.

Like I said, I'm not sure if this is against mammoths or enginners. Maybe not allow engineers to repair vehicles of they're still in combat? If they've fired a shell within the last 15 seconds maybe?

Just grasping here... I realize we probably should have taken the engineer out, but I don't think that would have changed the outcome of the battle.

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981017] Mon, 18 February 2002 13:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
engees will kill you.. if you are not carefull
GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981016] Mon, 18 February 2002 13:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
omg no chem warriors and flamethrowers are awesome! you can kill many mrls with chem warrior once i took out 5 mrls with chem sprayer, and the drivers too! chem warriors kick ass!
GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981015] Mon, 18 February 2002 19:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've played the orginal C&C games and I know that once you fire in the stealth tank you become visable. But in Renegade it seems that you can be seen a lot more than in the true C&C games. O've noticed some soldiers can see you from a far distant and I was fully cloaked.

Renegade is not true to the orginal C&C games. But thats just my opinion.

But GDIs AGT is far more superior than NODs defenses. As someone stated, it can fire at multiple targets, so even if you had like 3 or 4 people rushing the power plant, you would all get killed.

So whats the trick to NODs laser tower? How can you sneak past it? How many secs do you wait to run, then jump (to miss the laser) then run again...?

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981014] Mon, 18 February 2002 19:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Just grasping here... I realize we probably should have taken the engineer out, but I don't think that would have changed the outcome of the battle.

This is where team work comes into play. You need to get a sniper to come out of the tunnel and kill the engineers from behind. Without them repairing it's a totally different battle and you can win easily.

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981013] Mon, 18 February 2002 20:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ya but nod have oblistek of light, that will take out a mamoth in 1 strike and or 2 strikes, all the nod have to do is pull back to there base and let the oblisik take em out. But does dont alot of power to run, weakness
GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981012] Mon, 18 February 2002 21:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Keep your distance, keep cloaking, and don't stay still. The amount of time (rediculosly long, IRL it would be much shorter) for the mammoths shell to cross a distance to hit you, you can move to avoid it. It enrages them beyond belief to be unable to even hit you. Then stealth up, lob some missles at them and run away. They always back down, frustrated, unable to hit the stealth.

You haven't faced me in a mammy. I can easily kill a stealth tank. cloaking doesn't work because I just use the shell explosions to locate the stank. Plus if you know what your doing you can hit the opposing tank moving or not. Every second your not shooting your opponent is still firing at you.

Mammies are not my specialty though. I have been able to waste 4 mammoths, 6 mrls, 2 humvees, and an apc, in one round without losing my MobArt. MobArts are the best vehichles for base defence. You get damaged just pull out of the LOF and repair. In addition they have excelent range and can be parked behind obstruction and still fire on their targets.

GDI is far more superior than NOD [message #-981011] Tue, 19 February 2002 01:29 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
The biggest issue is definantly AGT and Obelisk, not to mention the Airstrip can be hit without getting in range of the ob.

I think more "balance" issues are in the map rather then the game.

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