Sixty seven new screenshots of Glacier Flying [message #-995048] |
Sun, 22 September 2002 11:47   |
quote: Originally posted by TestGun: Would you say that this is the best map that you made so far, even though it was started by Westwood i still think it is your best. or do you have other maps up your sleve?
It was started by Westwood, but I chose all the extra stuff to go in.
I did the texturing, alignment fixes, blending, objects, and about everything else except for the very base mesh itself. Glacier was totally unfinished. Not a single texture was on the base mesh of the map.
Sixty seven new screenshots of Glacier Flying [message #-995043] |
Mon, 23 September 2002 06:56   |
That map looks like it will beat all the other maps from the public, is the map bigger then metro ack? Metro was a bit small i think, but this looks BIG, and i hope it will be, i guess this one is going to be a >>MOST DOWNLOAD<<
Nice ACK!
Sixty seven new screenshots of Glacier Flying [message #-995037] |
Mon, 23 September 2002 07:33   |
Hey Guys,
Greg Hjelstrom wanted me to pass along the information below to all you mod makers. They are new scripts added to the 1.034 Renegade Patch
/* ** GTH_Drop_Object_On_Death ** This script will create an object at the position of the object when it dies. ** ** Params: ** Drop_Object - name of the preset to create an instance of ** Drop_Height - float meters to add to the Z coord of the original object when creating the drop obj ** Probability - int between 1 and 100, chance that the object will be created */
/* ** GTH_Drop_Object_On_Death_Zone ** This script is just like the other drop object on death except that it must also ** be activated by a custom message from another script. Use the GTH_Zone_Send_Custom ** to enable and disable this script. ** ** Params: ** Custom_Message - message id that turns this script on or off, use message ID's greater than 10000! ** Drop_Object - name of the preset to create an instance of ** Drop_Height - float meters to add to the Z coord of the original object when creating the drop obj ** Probability - int between 1 and 100, chance that the object will be created */
/* ** GTH_Zone_Send_Custom ** This script lets you send a custom message to an object on enter and exit of a zone. To talk ** to the "drop in death zone" script, send the same custom message with 1 for Enter_Param and ** 0 for Exit_Param... ** ** Params: ** Enter_Message = message id to send when an object enters this zone ** Enter_Param = message parameter to send when an object enters ** Exit_Message = message id to send when an object exits ** Exit_Param = message id to send when and object exits */
/* ** GTH_Create_Object_On_Enter ** This script will create an object when a script zone is entered by a game object. Use it ** to fire off cinematics for example... ** ** Params: ** Create_Object - name of the preset to create an instance of ** Position - world space position to create the object at ** Min_Delay - amount of time to wait before re-enabling the script once it has fired ** Max_Creations - maximum number of times the script should create an object ** Probability - integer between 1 and 100, chance on any given "Enter" that the object will be created ** Player_Type - type of player that can trigger integer, 0 = Nod, 1 = GDI, 2 = any */
/* ** GTH_On_Enter_Mission_Complete ** When you enter a zone with this script on it, the mission is complete ** ** Parameters: ** Success - 0 = mission failed, 1 = missuion succeeded ** Player_Type - type of player allowed to trigger, 0=nod, 1=gdi, 2=any */
/* ** GTH_Create_Objective ** Adds an objective to the mission when the specified action (create, enter, poke, or kill) ** happens to the object with this script on it. ** ** params: ** Creation_Type - 0=Create, 1=Entered, 2=Poked, 3=Killed ** Objective_ID - id of the objective, match this with the "GTH_Objective_Complete" script ** Objective_Type - 0=PRIMARY, 1=SECONDARY ** Short_Desc_ID - string id for short description ** Long_Desc_ID - string id for long description ** Priority - priority of this objective ** Position - 3d position of the objective ** Pog_Texture - tga file for the objective pog ** Pog_Text_ID - string id for the pog text (usually something like IDS_POG_DESTROY) ** */
/* ** GTH_Objective_Complete_Enter_Kill_Poke ** Ends an objective with either success or failure. All of the following things ** cause the objective to complete: "Entered", "Killed", or "Poked" ** ** param ** Objective_ID - id of the objective ** Success - 0 or 1, success or failure ** Player_Type - player type allowed to trigger this. 0=nod, 1=gdi, 2=any */ [ September 23, 2002, 14:43: Message edited by: Delphi-WS ]
Sixty seven new screenshots of Glacier Flying [message #-995032] |
Mon, 23 September 2002 16:46   |
quote: Originally posted by Dante: uhmm, delphi, as i have told steve and greg, those are buggy all to hell...
get us the real one...
Is this true?!
Well we'll get a good one soon then. Maybe that's why some of the health are screwed up now on mod packages.
And like ACK I was expecting one more. =S
Sixty seven new screenshots of Glacier Flying [message #-995031] |
Tue, 24 September 2002 20:28   |
I was involved in helping greg come up with these scripts (mainly in that I gave him a few ideas) I can confirm that these scripts do not work as they should, and also that there are 3 missing: /* ** GTH_Credit_Trickle ** This script will give an amount money to its team at a regular interval. You can use it to ** create silos that give money as long as they're alive. ** NOTE: this won't work on buildings, only things like turrets, characters, or vehicles so make your ** "silos" as a weaponless vehcile set up like the nod-turret for example. ** ** Params: ** Credits - number of credits to give ** Delay - time between credit grants */
/* ** GTH_Enable_Spawner_On_Enter ** This script will enable or disable a spawner when its zone is entered ** ** Params: ** SpawnerID - id of the spawner ** Player_Type - type of player that can trigger integer, 0 = Nod, 1 = GDI, 2 = any ** Enable - enable or disable the spawner (1=enable, 0=disable) */ /* ** GTH_User_Controllable_Base_Defense ** Just like M00_Base_Defense except that if a player enters, he can control the object ** ** params: ** MinAttackDistance - min range for auto attack ** MaxAttackDistance - max range for auto attack ** AttackTimer - amount of time to continue tracking after last "enemy seen" */ There was one other script, one that was supposed to be for making "vechicles that play an animation when they move" or something but it didnt work in MP so greg didnt finish it.
Also, with the scripts for "create objective" and "complete objective" and "end mission", they should work but if you want that functionality, wait for version 0.95 beta of my own dll which does the same thing but much better (you can do a lot more than you can with gregs scripts)
BTW, version 0.95 beta of my scripts.dll will be out as soon as my chief tester actually gets off his ass and tests the dll (he hasnt even asked me to send it to him yet and as soon as it can be tested for compatibility with the "complete" version of the new dll from greg. [ September 25, 2002, 03:32: Message edited by: Jonathan Wilson ]
Sixty seven new screenshots of Glacier Flying [message #-995028] |
Wed, 25 September 2002 11:34   |
maybe its not there? ?=|
It is possible.
================================================ Its only funny until someone gets hurt....then its HILARIOUS! ================================================ [ September 25, 2002, 18:37: Message edited by: ssgtsmith ]|