Having troubling getting brenbot to autho authenticate itself.
It connects but does not get auto ops.
Using NickServ authentication :/
#--Start Configuration-IRC-----------------------------------------------------------------
# Edit the information below for your setup.
# At least edit BotName and IrcChannel.
BotName = Reborn_BOT
BotFullName = BlazeRegulator/BRenBot 1.30 Win32
IrcServer = irc.blitzed.org
IrcPort = 6667
IrcChannel = #UNREBORN
# Enable auth via "Q" or "Nickserv" below. Sample input is shown.
Qauth = 0
Qusername = RenBot01
Qpassword = mypassword
# Note for Nickserv auth you give the name of nickserv and the full ident string as example
Nickservauth = 1
Nickservname = NickServ
Nickservauth = identify Reborn_Bot PASSWORD
#--Windows or Linux-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# BotMode MUST be "WIN32" for windows servers, or "LFDS" for Linux servers.
yes the password is correct :oops: any ideas?