We had a cheater tonight on The Pits server, then he actually takes the effort to
page us in IRC telling us that we kick all "The Pros."
Here's where he joined.. he's been in the game 38 seconds.
[01:47:39] 23 sebontain 0 GDI 142;4035 86 000.00.38
[01:47:39] Gameplay in progress
[01:47:39] Map : C&C_Islands.mix
[01:47:39] Time : 0.03.10
[01:47:39] Fps : 56
[01:47:39] GDI : 14/32 players 17479 points
[01:47:39] NOD : 15/32 players 16480 points
Now's where the fun begins. We knew there was a cheater, Nod was bringing flame tank after flame tank around the corner, and they were all dying instantly. It took me a minute or two to recognize there was a problem and go identify the person. The logs prove that I was correct.
Id Name Score Side Ping Address Kbits/s Time
[01:47:59] 23 sebontain 0 GDI 156;4035 70 000.00.58
[01:48:19] 23 sebontain 859 GDI 153;4035 63 000.01.18
[01:48:39] 23 sebontain 1377 GDI 148;4035 80 000.01.38
[01:48:59] 23 sebontain 2223 GDI 152;4035 76 000.01.58
[01:49:19] 23 sebontain 2240 GDI 148;4035 87 000.02.18
[01:49:39] 23 sebontain 2253 GDI 154;4035 61 000.02.38
[01:49:59] 23 sebontain 2305 GDI 152;4035 93 000.02.58
And this is where he was kicked...
[01:49:59] Total current bandwidth usage for players is 2359 kilobits per second
[01:49:59] Westwood Online mode active since 12/10/2003 - 9:44:06 AM
[01:49:59] Gameplay in progress
[01:49:59] Map : C&C_Islands.mix
[01:49:59] Time : 0.00.50
[01:49:59] Fps : 53
[01:49:59] GDI : 14/32 players 20516 points
[01:49:59] NOD : 15/32 players 16918 points
IRC Conversation after the kick:
-00:50:11- [@GameBot]: urfacedwn just banned sebontain for two years.
-00:50:12- [@GameBot]: The reason for the ban was: cheat
-00:52:53- [@GameBot]: [Page] sebontain: you just kicked me for cheating and i wasnt! you go ahead and kick people who dont cheat if it makes you feel better ya pussy
-00:53:52- [@Founder_of_YASA]: !page sebontain so who exactly cheat in the game
-00:56:00- [@GameBot]: [Page] sebontain: i have no idea who was cheating all i know is that everytime i join your server i get kicked for being good and its lame as hell
-00:57:58- [@Founder_of_YASA]: !page sebontain take it to the forum and provide proof that you are not cheating
-00:58:57- [@GameBot]: [Page] sebontain: for real, why do you kick pro's? is it that you cant tell a pro from a cheater or is it for someother reason?
-00:59:28- [@Bruupo]: you gonna tell him who banned him or should i, lol
-00:59:48- [@Founder_of_YASA]: !page sebontain the one banned you is also a pro and he is the owner of this server
-01:03:28- [@Founder_of_YASA]: oh well that silenced him