added DisarmTime disarm unowned proxy's after 10 minutes if the c4 has not been claimed or the player returns.
added the ability for players to disarm unowned proxy's or obtain ownership of that proxy. As well as allowing players to disarm their own proxy.
; Enable No C4 Defuse on Leave
EnableNoC4DefuseOnLeave = 1
; Enable Disarm Time on Leave
Disarm = 1
; Time in seconds to disarm unowned proxys; Default 10 minutes
DisarmTime = 600.0
; Obtain Ownership when you press E on unowned proxy
PokeOwnership = 1
; Disarm when you press E on unowned proxy
PokeDisarm = 0
; Obtain Ownership when you repair an unowned proxy
AttackOwnership = 1
; Disarm when you repair an unowned proxy
AttackDisarm = 0
; Allow players to disarm their own proxy when pressing E or repairing
OwnerProxyDisarm = 1