BRenBot reads the rotation from your tt.cfg file like so;
# If using SSGM 4.0 then read the map rotation from the tt.cfg file
if ( $ssgm_version >= 4 )
my $ttConfigFile;
my $mapRotationIdx = -1;
open ( ttConfigFile, $config_fdspath."/tt.cfg" );
while ( <ttConfigFile> )
# Start of map rotation section?
if ( /^rotation\:$/ )
$mapRotationIdx = 0;
# End of map rotation section?
elsif ( $mapRotationIdx >= 0 && /^\];$/ )
$mapRotationIdx = -1;
elsif ( $mapRotationIdx >= 0 && /^\s*\"(.+)\"\,?$/ )
chomp(my $mapname=$1);
my %hash;
$hash{'mapname'} = $mapname;
$hash{'id'} = $mapRotationIdx;
push (@maplist, \%hash);
# Increment map rotation def index
close ( ttConfigFile );