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Re: [Showoff] PIC [message #363058 is a reply to message #362414] |
Sat, 13 December 2008 15:56   |
Sir Kane
Messages: 1701 Registered: March 2003 Location: Angerville
General (1 Star) |
#include "dllmain.h"
#include "RegistrationSubsystems.h"
#include "Render.h"
#include "W32Font.h"
#include "SceneRender.h"
#include "RedirectHandler.h"
#include "Math.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "RenderObjClass.h"
#include "SceneClass.h"
#include "Console.h"
#include "StateManager.h"
#include "WeaponClasses.h"
#include "PICHUD.h"
CWin32Font* g_pPICFont;
CFontBatch* g_pPICBatch;
Vector3 g_DisplayVertices[5] = {
Vector3(-0.008227f, 0.140099f, 0.024404f),
Vector3(-0.056067f, 0.140099f, 0.024404f),
Vector3(-0.059560f, 0.140099f, 0.040857f),
Vector3(-0.059560f, 0.140099f, 0.028945f),
Vector3(-0.008227f, 0.140099f, 0.040857f),
int g_DisplayIndices[9] = {
3, 2, 1,
1, 2, 4,
1, 4, 0,
D3DCOLOR g_DisplayColors[5] = {
Vector3 g_OutsideVertices[9] = {
Vector3(-0.002435f, 0.140099f, 0.024469f),
Vector3(0.030383f, 0.140099f, 0.024469f),
Vector3(0.040079f, 0.140099f, 0.026707f),
Vector3(0.053505f, 0.140099f, 0.042370f),
Vector3(0.054624f, 0.140099f, 0.049083f),
Vector3(0.054624f, 0.140099f, 0.096073f),
Vector3(0.035736f, 0.140099f, 0.131874f),
Vector3(0.031261f, 0.140099f, 0.135230f),
Vector3(0.003685f, 0.140099f, 0.135230f),
Vector3 g_InsideVertices[9] = {
Vector3(-0.002435f, 0.140099f, 0.040133f),
Vector3(0.027400f, 0.140099f, 0.040133f),
Vector3(0.033367f, 0.140099f, 0.041251f),
Vector3(0.038960f, 0.140099f, 0.047964f),
Vector3(0.040079f, 0.140099f, 0.052439f),
Vector3(0.040079f, 0.140099f, 0.093835f),
Vector3(0.027641f, 0.140099f, 0.117330f),
Vector3(0.024285f, 0.140099f, 0.119567f),
Vector3(0.003685f, 0.140099f, 0.119567f),
float g_OutLengths[8];
float g_InLengths[8];
float g_OutLengthTotal;
float g_InLengthTotal;
#define VERT_Y_INC (0.000001f)
void InitNumDisplay(){
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
g_DisplayVertices[i].Y += VERT_Y_INC;
void MakeBarLengths(){
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
g_OutsideVertices[i].Y += VERT_Y_INC;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
g_InsideVertices[i].Y += VERT_Y_INC;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
g_OutLengthTotal += (g_OutLengths[i] = (g_OutsideVertices[i+1]-g_OutsideVertices[i]).Length());
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
g_InLengthTotal += (g_InLengths[i] = (g_InsideVertices[i+1]-g_InsideVertices[i]).Length());
void DrawPICBar(float len, D3DCOLOR color, D3DCOLOR color2){
float inlen;
float alpha, left;
int i, rects;
Vector3 verts[4];
D3DCOLOR colors[4];
len = (len < 0.0f) ? 0.0f : ((len > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : len);
inlen = g_InLengthTotal * len;
int indices[6];
left = inlen;
i = 0;
rects = len > 0.0f ? 1 : 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++){
if (left < g_InLengths[i]) break;
left -= g_InLengths[i];
left = inlen;
indices[0] = 0;
indices[1] = 1;
indices[2] = 2;
indices[3] = 1;
indices[4] = 2;
indices[5] = 3;
colors[0] = color;
colors[1] = color;
colors[2] = color;
colors[3] = color;
for (i = 0; i < rects; i++){
alpha = (left > g_InLengths[i]) ? 1.0f : 1.0f/g_InLengths[i]*left;
left -= g_InLengths[i];
verts[0] = g_InsideVertices[i];
verts[1] = g_OutsideVertices[i];
verts[2] = Vector3::Lerp(g_InsideVertices[i], g_InsideVertices[i+1], alpha);
verts[3] = Vector3::Lerp(g_OutsideVertices[i], g_OutsideVertices[i+1], alpha);
Draw_Indexed_Prim(2, verts, NULL, colors, indices);
left = g_InLengthTotal-inlen;
colors[0] = color2;
colors[1] = color2;
colors[2] = color2;
colors[3] = color2;
for (i = 8; i > rects-1; i--){
alpha = (left > g_InLengths[i-1]) ? 1.0f : 1.0f/g_InLengths[i-1]*left;
left -= g_InLengths[i-1];
verts[0] = g_InsideVertices[i];
verts[1] = g_OutsideVertices[i];
verts[2] = Vector3::Lerp(g_InsideVertices[i], g_InsideVertices[i-1], alpha);
verts[3] = Vector3::Lerp(g_OutsideVertices[i], g_OutsideVertices[i-1], alpha);
Draw_Indexed_Prim(2, verts, NULL, colors, indices);
void DrawAmmoCountBackground(D3DCOLOR color){
D3DCOLOR colors[9];
int i;
colors[0] = colors[1] = colors[2] = colors[3] = colors[4] = color;
Draw_Indexed_Prim(3, g_DisplayVertices, NULL, colors, g_DisplayIndices);
void DrawChargeBar(float x, float y, float width, float height, float progress, D3DCOLOR framecolor, D3DCOLOR barcolor, D3DCOLOR barcolor2){
Vector3 verts[4];
D3DCOLOR colors[4];
int i;
int indices[6] = {
0, 1, 2,
1, 2, 3,
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
verts[i].Z = 0.0f;
if (progress == 1.0f){
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
colors[i] = barcolor;
verts[0].X = x;
verts[0].Y = y;
verts[1].X = x+width;
verts[1].Y = y;
verts[2].X = x;
verts[2].Y = y+height;
verts[3].X = x+width;
verts[3].Y = y+height;
Draw_Indexed_Prim(2, verts, NULL, colors, indices);
} else if (progress == 0.0f){
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
colors[i] = barcolor2;
verts[0].X = x;
verts[0].Y = y;
verts[1].X = x+width;
verts[1].Y = y;
verts[2].X = x;
verts[2].Y = y+height;
verts[3].X = x+width;
verts[3].Y = y+height;
Draw_Indexed_Prim(2, verts, NULL, colors, indices);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
colors[i] = barcolor;
verts[0].X = x;
verts[0].Y = y;
verts[1].X = x+(width*progress);
verts[1].Y = y;
verts[2].X = x;
verts[2].Y = y+height;
verts[3].X = x+(width*progress);
verts[3].Y = y+height;
Draw_Indexed_Prim(2, verts, NULL, colors, indices);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
colors[i] = barcolor2;
verts[0].X = x+(width*progress);
verts[0].Y = y;
verts[1].X = x+width;
verts[1].Y = y;
verts[2].X = x+(width*progress);
verts[2].Y = y+height;
verts[3].X = x+width;
verts[3].Y = y+height;
Draw_Indexed_Prim(2, verts, NULL, colors, indices);
Draw_Frame(RectClass(x, y, x+width, y+height), framecolor);
Matrix3D mat(true);
RenderObjClass* PICHUDRenderObjClass::Clone(){
return NULL;
int PICHUDRenderObjClass::Get_Sort_Level(){
return WW3D::MinStaticSortLevel;
//return WW3D::MaxStaticSortLevel;
ShaderClass shader;
shader.m_Depth_Mask = 1;
return shader.Guess_Sort_Level();
void PICHUDRenderObjClass::Render(RenderInfoClass&){
int sort_level;
CTextDrawer draw;
int _ammo;
int maxammo;
int displayammo;
Matrix3D mat, trans;
WeaponClass *pWeapon;
Matrix4 mat2;
float ammo;
ShaderClass shader;
wchar_t lBuf[16];
bool hasinclip;
float statetime;
float reloadtime;
WeaponClass::WeaponState state;
float barx;
float time;
int t;
if (WW3D::AreStaticSortListsEnabled && (sort_level = Get_Sort_Level())){
WW3D::Add_To_Static_Sort_List(this, sort_level);
memset(&matr, 0, sizeof(D3DMATERIAL9));
matr.Diffuse.a = 1.0f;
matr.Diffuse.r = 1.0f;
matr.Diffuse.g = 1.0f;
matr.Diffuse.b = 1.0f;
StateManager::SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
StateManager::SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, FALSE);
StateManager::SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE);
shader.m_Texturing = 1;
(*g_ppD3DDevice)->SetTexture(0, NULL);
mat2 = (Matrix4(m_Transform).Transpose());
StateManager::SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, (D3DMATRIX*)&mat2);
StateManager::SetRenderState(D3DRS_CULLMODE, D3DCULL_NONE);
displayammo = -1;
hasinclip = false;
state = WeaponClass::WS_READY;
statetime = 0;
reloadtime = 1.0f;
if ((pWeapon = WeaponBagClass::GetMyWeapon(false))){
state = pWeapon->GetState();
statetime = pWeapon->GetStateTime();
reloadtime = pWeapon->m_pDefintion->m_Reload_Time;
if (reloadtime == 0.0f) reloadtime = 0.0000001f;
_ammo = pWeapon->m_Ammo;
maxammo = pWeapon->m_Max_Ammo;
if (_ammo == -1 || maxammo == -1){
ammo = 1.0f;
displayammo = -1;
ammo = 1.0f/((float)((int)pWeapon->m_pDefintion->m_Max_Inventory_Rounds))*((float)(displayammo = maxammo));
hasinclip = (int)pWeapon->m_Ammo ? true : false;
} else
ammo = 1.0f;
//Draw ammo bar
DrawPICBar(ammo, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,255,0), D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,0,0));
//Draw weapon status
trans.Set_Translation(Vector3(0.023128f-0.009f, 0.1402f, 0.051910f+0.01f));
mat = m_Transform*trans*mat;
mat2 = Matrix4(mat).Transpose();
StateManager::SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, (D3DMATRIX*)&mat2);
if (state == WeaponClass::WS_RELOADING){
barx = (float)draw.Draw_Single_Line(D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,0), 0, 0, L"Charging... ");
barx *= draw.GetScalar();
DrawChargeBar(barx, 0.003f, 0.02f, 0.004f, 1.0f-(1.0f/reloadtime*statetime), D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,0), D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,255,0), D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,0,0));
} else if (maxammo == 0 && _ammo == 0)
draw.Draw_Single_Line(D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,0,0), 0, 0, L"Battery depleted.");
draw.Draw_Single_Line(D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,255,0), 0, 0, L"Charged.");
if (g_pPICBatch->Serialize())
//DrawAmmoCountBackground(hasinclip ? D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,255,0) : D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,0,0));
trans.Set_Translation(Vector3(-0.008227f+0.0001f, 0.1402f, 0.024404f+0.0162f));
mat = m_Transform*trans*mat;
mat2 = Matrix4(mat).Transpose();
StateManager::SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, (D3DMATRIX*)&mat2);
if (displayammo == -1)
StrCpyW(lBuf, L"\x221E");
swprintf(lBuf, L"%d", displayammo);
draw.Draw_Single_Line(displayammo > 0 ? D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,255,0) : D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255,0,0), 0, 0, lBuf);
if (g_pPICBatch->Serialize())
RenderObjClass* _stdcall AttachWeapon(WeaponClass* pWeapon, RenderObjClass* pWeaponObj){
g_pWeaponModel = pWeaponObj;
RenderObjClass *pObj;
if (pWeapon->m_pDefintion->Get_ID() == 409610033){
pObj = new PICHUDRenderObjClass;
if (pObj && pWeaponObj){
pWeaponObj->Add_Sub_Object_To_Bone(pObj, "F_GM_SCOPE");
return pWeaponObj;
__declspec(naked) void ASM_WeaponAttach(){
__asm {
add esp, 4;
push eax;
push edi;
call AttachWeapon;
mov edx, 0x0070E7FC;
jmp edx;
void PIDHUDRegistrator::Init(){
#ifdef GAME
g_pRedirectHandler->RedirectCall(0x0070E7F4, ASM_WeaponAttach);
g_pPICFont = new CWin32Font();
g_pPICFont->Create("Arial", 32, 1, 0, 0, 0);
g_pPICBatch = new CFontBatch;
#endif //GAME
void PIDHUDRegistrator::Terminate(){
#ifdef GAME
delete g_pPICFont;
delete g_pPICBatch;
#endif //GAME
PIDHUDRegistrator g_PIDHUDRegistrator;
Proud N9500 and proud N6270 user. Creator of the IEE libraries (original bhs.dll) and the RB series software.
[Showoff] PIC
By: Sir Kane on Wed, 10 December 2008 10:39
Re: [Showoff] PIC
Re: [Showoff] PIC
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: reborn on Wed, 10 December 2008 10:53
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Ma1kel on Wed, 10 December 2008 11:10
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Sir Kane on Wed, 10 December 2008 11:23
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: reborn on Wed, 10 December 2008 11:32
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Sir Kane on Wed, 10 December 2008 11:38
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Goztow on Wed, 10 December 2008 11:53
Re: [Showoff] PIC
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: ErroR on Wed, 10 December 2008 12:09
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: ErroR on Wed, 10 December 2008 12:11
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Altzan on Wed, 10 December 2008 14:17
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: dr3w2 on Wed, 10 December 2008 14:50
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Sir Kane on Wed, 10 December 2008 15:00
Re: [Showoff] PIC
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Sir Kane on Wed, 10 December 2008 18:00
Re: [Showoff] PIC
Re: [Showoff] PIC
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: reborn on Thu, 11 December 2008 06:00
Re: [Showoff] PIC
Re: [Showoff] PIC
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Sir Kane on Thu, 11 December 2008 13:17
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: reborn on Thu, 11 December 2008 13:23
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Sir Kane on Sat, 13 December 2008 15:56
Re: [Showoff] PIC
Re: [Showoff] PIC
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Sir Kane on Sat, 13 December 2008 18:31
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: dr3w2 on Mon, 15 December 2008 12:19
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: ErroR on Mon, 15 December 2008 13:03
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Sir Kane on Mon, 15 December 2008 14:43
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: renalpha on Mon, 15 December 2008 15:12
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Sir Kane on Mon, 15 December 2008 16:41
Re: [Showoff] PIC
By: Ma1kel on Tue, 16 December 2008 03:19
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