Sorry for double post.
But i need your help guys.
class jailChatCommand : public ChatCommandClass {
void Triggered(int ID,const TokenClass &Text,int ChatType) {
if (!Text[1].empty() ) {
const char *pris = Get_Player_Name(Get_Part_Name(Text[1].c_str()));
int player = atoi(pris);
GameObject *obj = Get_GameObj(player);
int x = 100054;
GameObject *gotoObject = Commands->Find_Object(x);
Vector3 gotoLocation = Commands->Get_Position(gotoObject);
Console_Input(StrFormat("cmsg 166,149,56 [BSS: %d Has Been Arrested ]", Get_Player_ID(Get_Part_Name(Text[1].c_str()))).c_str());
else {
Console_Input(StrFormat("ppage %d ERROR!",ID).c_str());
ChatCommandRegistrant<jailChatCommand> jailChatCommandReg("!jail;!j",CHATTYPE_ALL,1,GAMEMODE_AOW);
It compiled fine. But ingame, when i write !jail HeavyX101 , it says the message "[BSS: -1 Has Been Arrested ]" but it is not putting me into the jail. Why is that?