the vet system me and a friend are working on the one release here on the forums... we have it so when u get promoted the metal says on ur body....but the problem is we need it so that when u buy an sbh or an stank the metal goes away and only shows on on ur body with any other char....
so simple way of saying it.......
metal always shows all the characters ingame
we need to find away to make it go away when u buy an sbh and get into a stank.....then come back if u change to another char besides sbh of course
if (stricmp(Commands->Get_Preset_Name(obj),"CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_2SF") == 0) {
if (stricmp(Commands->Get_Preset_Name(obj),"CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_2SF") != 0) {
int Points;
Points = VetCheckPoints(Get_Player_ID(obj));
if (Points >= 360) {
GameObject *Icon = Commands->Create_Object_At_Bone(obj,"Invisible_Object", "C R UPPERARM");
GameObject *Icon2 = Commands->Create_Object_At_Bone(obj,"Invisible_Object", "C L UPPERARM");
vIconID = Commands->Get_ID(Icon);
vIconID2 = Commands->Get_ID(Icon2);
Commands->Set_Model(Icon, "p_hemedal");
Commands->Set_Model(Icon2, "p_armedal");
Commands->Attach_To_Object_Bone(Icon, obj, "C R UPPERARM");
Commands->Attach_To_Object_Bone(Icon2, obj, "C L UPPERARM");
float Shield;
Shield = Commands->Get_Shield_Strength(obj);
Set_Max_Shield_Strength(obj, 160);
Commands->Set_Shield_Strength(obj, 160);
applied at Player::Created
he said heres a lil bit of it hes trying