1. Are you using a VALID Serial?
2. Did you modified the objects.ddb/objects.aow/objects.gm....?
3. Did you opened the ports on your router and your firewall? (Best
way, is a static port at the ServerConfig Files (dont know which at
the moment)).
What shows your FDS Server Window?
A normal Server should show sumthing like that:
Renegade Free Dedicated Server v1.037 BH-838 01/23/2003 - 10:59:26
Console mode active
*** Auto starting game. Type 'quit' to abort ***
Initializing Westwood Online Mode
Got server list
Got server pings
Logging onto USA Server
Logged on OK
Applying server settings
Creating game channel...
Channel created OK
RenegadeFDS DDE channel initialized
Loading level C&C_Field.mix
Load 100% complete
Level loaded OK
Westwood Online mode active since 04.04.2008 - 22:50:52
Gameplay in progress
Map : C&C_Field.mix
Time : 0.29.13
Fps : 60
GDI : 0/10 players 0 points
NOD : 0/10 players 0 points