If Im running FDS on my PC, I cant play on it via gamespy, because the game determines the other active copy of game.
1. Open your GameSpy folder ( e.g. C:/Program Files/GameSpy Arcade )
2. Go to Services folder
3. Open full.cfg
4. Find the text string ( it is 16 lines downwards tag [ccrenegade] )
jointemplate=#EXEPATH# +connect #SERVERIP#:#SERVERPORT# +NetPlayerName "#PLAYERNAME#" [$SERVERPW$ +pass #SERVERPW#]
5. Replace it with the following
jointemplate=#EXEPATH# /multi +connect #SERVERIP#:#SERVERPORT# +NetPlayerName "#PLAYERNAME#" [$SERVERPW$ +pass #SERVERPW#]
5. Save the file.
The goal is to add /multi parametr to command line, this will allow running 2 or more games simultaneously on the same PC.