I'll start you off.
Here is how to add to a hash file
alias /joinadd {
if ($ isin $2-) {
/notice $$1 You cannot have the $ symbol in your join message.
.hadd -m JoinMsg $$1 $$2-
/notice $$1 Your join message: $$2- has been set.
Note, the $ symbol isn't allowed because people can use $ip etc. to find out your info.
And here is how it is called:
; Join Message Commands
else if ($1 == !setjoin) {
/joinadd $nick $2-
Learn about key-value pairs. One key for one peice of data. The key has to be unique, so a nickname is a good option for a key. The value can be anything, so thats your message.
; Displaying when a person joins
on *:JOIN:# {
if ($hget(JoinMsg, $nick)) {
/msg %mainchan [ $+ $nick $+ ]: $hget(JoinMsg, $nick)