Nuke, I am leaving it up to the mapper. I can in no way MAKE a mapper do anything. I am asking mappers to take the time to test the map before release. I have seen what excess of beta maps can do. I'm an old fellow in the game community business and I have seen it all. Beta maps being one of the worst things. Mappers can find groups larger than 1-2 ppl to test for them. You will not see beta maps being release in any other community. Try it in Q3 or UT community and you'll get laughed at. In the HL community, the other mappers would force you out. Why? Because they have seen the damage beta maps can do.So when you have the years experience I do and the need to keep this community alive I do, then you can state your opinion as to HOW I SHOULD proceed. Until then, my appeal is to the mappers, not the public.