There are lots of posts on offense but not that much for defense. Here are a few tips to counter the tips given in this post.
Original tips posted by FreaksAnon:
As Gdi, just get an engineer or can run out either door. The first door you can run straight to the hand of nod and strafe and jump so that evil Obelisk doesn't zap j00! The back door is a bit slower, you just hit behind the rock and the wall and then run like crazy to get behind the hand of nod building. just plant your c4 or ion cannon and run like heck and stuff. But be careful, I had an enemy defuse a nuke once..don't know how that happened, I haven't figured it out yet...sometime soon though.
To defend against this tactic, first if you are a Tech/Hotwire (advanced engineers) try and keep the tunnels mined with proximity c4. That will help slow em down from even getting near the entrances.
Things I've noticed. AIM FOR THE HEAD! I can take out just about any newb who has a better gun than me because you do a ton more damage when you hit them in the head. Aim for the head people, it does sucky damage if you hit them anywhere else.
He is correct on the aiming for the head, it does like double damage. I know a few players that will take you out in like 3 shots with a pistol. I personally stink at aiming at other infantry, but in a vehicle im an awsome shot.
Mine your base and tunnels! (That is, use the proximity C4 that comes with the technician/hotwire) Then go refill and mine more! and repeat, and repeat, and etc.!
Just remember there is a limit on the amount of mines you can place. (I think its 30) if you plant any more the first ones that were placed will disapear. This was done early in the demo because players were mining the whole map. It really sucked.
Things I don't like about this demo:
I am not positive but I am sure this is something that will be included in the full version
Can't climb on buildings. Need ladders and sniper posts. 1 spot for a sniper post is ridiculous.
This one is completly off, in a game with experienced players (and no lag) there are already too many places that snipers can shoot from. If there were more places for snipers to hide the gameplay would suck as infantry.
Lag Need I say more ?
Fixable, already proven in the beta test.
My suggestion to any team, buy an apc, fill it up, go for their defense, then their beacon. Only way I have been able to win everytime in under 10 mins.
Thats a good tactic but its a little harder when people learn how to play, at least on this map.
And one of the best sugestions I can make is if your in your base and you dont have a vehicle or advanced character fix any damaged buildings. Even if they are barely damaged. Even with people that have been playing awhile I still see players running out of the base with basic infantry when a building is being attacked. Losing just one building can cost your team the game.
[ February 17, 2002: Message edited by: dudex0x ]
[ February 17, 2002: Message edited by: dudex0x ]