I couldn't steal my mammoths without em. 
One amusing story. I was on GDI in the demo, in a Mammoth bombarding the base with 3 other Mammoths and a couple of Mediums.
Realizing the ridiculous numbers we have against Nod, I start to rush the Obelisk. After I die, I go back in an APC. I find to my delight that the others took my lead. There's utter chaos in the Nod base. We're kicking a**. Except... One person got out of his tank. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NOD BASE. I saw him trying to repair it. What the hell was he thinking? So I die agan after taking out a stealth and a buggie. Cursing all the while.
It took two more runs (and deaths) on the base to take out the captured Mammoth. We did win in points. But we could of won by taking out their base.
So close... 
[ February 20, 2002: Message edited by: Grimn ]