I've been thinking the same thing all along.There really is no point in buying Patch or chaingun Blackhand unless you want a bigger bag of hitpoints for making a nuke/ion run.
Then again, even $150 Sydney is more useful than Patch for that. Her splash damage kills infantry AND tanks quickly.
Nothing really makes Patch or C.Blackhand worth spending the $450. Their burning/tiberium damage is minimal..so little that it doesn't even make a difference in a firefight. If I wanted to take out infantry, I could just buy a regular Sydney or chaingun officer. If I wanted to take out armor, I'd just get a rocket soldier.
How could this be balanced?
Recalculate how much tiberium or burning damage does.
Burning damage would accu.mulate PER shot, instead of having someone burn for a number of hit points after the last shot.
[ March 06, 2002: Message edited by: Hado ]