STOP WASTING MINES.You can only have a total of 30 mines and or remote C4s.
You gain 30 points per mine you deactivate.
-Do not throw Trigger C4 around your base with your Engineer. This wastes the number of actual Mines your team needs.
-Pick one person in your team to lay Mines. If you have more than one person, you will end up over mining your base.
-Do not lay mines in a tunnel that is not constantly guarded or a tunnel your team can not secure. It is too easy for an enemy to deactivate mines and gain 30 points for each mine you layed.
-Lay mines a little inside the building doorway. If you lay mines outside the doors, vehicles will absorb the damage giving the enemy a clear path to the MCT.
-Stack Mines. If you stand in the same spot and do not move, you can stack your mines. If mines are stacked (such as a fequently used cave mouth) you can destroy the enemy in one hit.
-Spreading out mines can be dangerous. If you spread them out too far, the enemy will stop when they get hit and find another path. The enemy can also walk into select mines, run to repair themselves, then walk into more mines until they clear a path.
-Do not expect mines to stop everything. Mines against vehicles are often just to soften up a vehicle. This allows your base defenses to quickly destroy a vehicle and move on.
Remember, you can only have a total of 30 Mines and or Remote C4 charges per team!!