I've been burned by this tactic, and haven't been able to make it work for me, cause it takes a level of coordination that is hard to achieve (plus, it only works really really well against disorganized opponents).
On either team, with this map (and probably any non-defense maps)...your first moves should be to team up into pairs...engi/soldier. The soldier serves as cover for the engie, and also gives the final missing c4 to make a four c4 building destructo possible. If each team takes a different enemy building, you can have two or three buidlings down within a few minutes. Of course, the other team may be doing the you should have a few defense people stay put.
A good team can take out an entire base in mind-numbing time with this tactic.The other tactic I've actually made work once, is to have everyone, and I mean everyone in your base save up for a hotwire/tech and buggy/Humvee....If you all rush at once (no base defenses, once again)...there is almost no way to defend agains this. Imagine trying to stop 10 buggies zooming into your base...even if only four of them make it in...that's four buildings down. Add in a few offensive units to defend your hotwire/techs and or to suicide on any proxy laid down, and you have a very difficult and cheap tactic to beat.
I know it is possible to defend against this, but with the game comminity at it's present state, defense this early isn't liable to be a big problem
Any thoughts on this one? New additions? Gaping holes in my logic?
Anyone else trying this and ****ed off at me for posting it?
(I often waiver at the thought of posting good stragies here, but if they don't get shared, it's that much harder to organize them outside of clan matches.....)