Originally posted by PlacEBo:
There really isn't much of a direct correlation between the midlevel characters. The closest you could draw upon would be laser chaingunner to Gunner and stealthhand to Patch. Not patch to laser chaingunner.
Patch can't kill vehicles. Stealthhand can't kill vehicles. Gunner and laserchain both do.But then laserchain can mow infantry, whereas gunner can't. Gunner can do dmg vs buildings where laserchain isn't as effective. The closest comparisons come from the most basic and most advanced units.
I am a Lop-sided player, I kick ass with nod but suck horribly with GDI. The main reason I can think of is the stealth black hand. I have to say that it is potentially the best unit to have as nod, Especially against a bunch of misfits. Stealths are not meant for direct fighting...you want to get a MRL, run up to it and plop a timed C4 on its door. You'll be visible for a second so run behind it so the camera view of the enemy can't see you. once your invisible again go refill... Want to steal a mamoth tank? pack a C4 on one and run behind it (don't get runover, did I leave that out the first time i mentioned this tactic?) wait the explosion and for the dummy to get out to repair it. jump in run him over and drive home. Get it repaired and give it to the MVP of your team. Or, if you are the MVP give it to the second ranked guy. Why would you do this? Three reasons, to make sure some n00b doesn't waste a valuable mamoth tank, to promote teamwork by being the nice guy and give away $1600 worth of stolen equipment and finally, the third reason is so you can go back out and steal another vehicle. You can't be very stealthy in a huge stolen tank.
Keep in mind that this tactic helps quite a lot and for a relative low cost. It's primarily base defence but has a huge offensive potential when armed with a nuke and downed/missing enemy defences. run into the base and drop a nuke sit there cloaked and take out the engies.
BTW nothing beats running behind enamy infantry (usually snipers) and pasting a timed c4 on their back. Plop it, leave silently and then wait 15 seconds and then let the guy know. "Hey SystemX_99 You're boinked for stealing my name!"
To sum it up...the Stealth is very dangerous!! and can potentially cause more damage then any of the other characters.