Hey ACup.. Whats new? ANd tankCmdr I think we played a few games together in the last few weeks.I knew about the around the corner thingy with the MRLS, I think everymap has a save spot to hit buildings with the MRLS from around corners, but the thing is that anyhitng that comes around the corner will kill you.
Hey have you been playing the last few days? Even the lowest ping server I have been getting warped around and whatnot. A game last night I got to the NOD Airfield MCT untouched and clicked 2 timed C4s on the MCT then I was warped outside of it and the friggin 2 C4s were laying outside on the grass~ I was sooo mad
LAGGY SERVERS for the last week, EVERYSERVER seems to be bad
[ March 25, 2002: Message edited by: AzWhoopin ]