Originally posted by jmcdavel2:
Ever notice that usually after your first building or two goes down in your base your team will finally pull it together and work as a team? I mean, the people who have no intention of working as a team all seem to leave when the first building goes down, leaving only the people who still care about winning. I've noticed that the more buildings a team I'm on loses the better we start playing. I've been on teams where we just stomped the other team and our team got so lax that noone was even in our base anymore. (So they got us with a placed beacon! Ugh)Sometimes I wish FF was on so I could just take out a building on my team myself so they'd get their butts in gear. ![](biggrin.gif)
Have You Ever Thought of Playing Defense You Know Staying home to defend your base instead of leaving it for the enemy to take out.
Too many times I see a base fall to "hero sindrome" Everybody wants to grab some points and glory. They forget that nobody is on defense.
Some of the most fun games i have played have been when i stayed at our base.
Last night I was on D playing as a Nod. This GDI APc rolls up with 1 engy. I capped him as he got out and grabbed his ride.
We loaded up a couple of the Nod boys and backed right in the front door at the gdi base, ran over 2 engys who tried to repair our vehicle on the way in. dropped our boys off and went back to Nod base for another load.
I see this medium tank hitting our refinery. He was dumb enough to let me blow up his tank with an APC then i ran over him. Think he might have figured out that it was a Nod Driving. I loaded up with another couple of Engys to take to the GDI base. We only got half way when the server booted me. He must have been GDI