Originally posted by SystemX:
I am a Stealth, tried and true. You want the low down..here it is.
A base with no defences...the stealth will always go for the weapons factory...ALWAYS weapons factory first. This is because GDI's strength is vehicles.
Ummmm... No. After the vehicle factory goes out, the players tend to group around the base more and more of them repair. Once there are no vehicles, all the GDI people turn into mobius and sydneys... Once the factory is out, you have almost NO chance to successfully nuke again. If the barracks is taken out first, you have free reign over their whole base. Once the factory is taken out, there are many more mobius, sydney, and patch characters who find you much more often since there are many more of them.
The best targets for Nod on a no-base defense are:
1-GDI Barracks
2-War Factory (Once the barracks and fact are out there is nothing to stop your team after that is there?)
3-Power plant/refinery