no, i dont agree, each map except C&C_under is unbalanced to once side.
All maps with base defense = Nod Wins 99\% of the time
Field and some other maps = GDI wins 99& of the time.
I hate all the C&C Maps except under, all of em are unbalnced peices of ****.
And all those ****ing newbies who dont know how to play are ****ing annoying.
How stupid can some newbies get, I wasnt as stupid as they were when i started. God**** ****ing newbies just stand there looking at the enemy engy plant C4s on the MCT.
Newbies rush the base defenses with basic soldiers
Newbies rush with empty APCs
Newbies use flame tank rushes with 2 tanks
Newbies are the lowest form of life on the planet!!
GRRRRsorry, i just had a bad ame cause of the ****ing NEWBIES WHO DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY on my team