I wanted to start a thread that might be helpfull in a way for people looking to start a battle clan...or just wish to post what their soldier and vehicle(armored or flying) of choice is and a little about their skills.if this has been posted before let me know so i can delete this thread
My name: Eric
WOL name: sgtmay
Soldier of choice: any sniper unit
Vehicle of choice: medium tank/mobile artillary
Most successfull tactics: Defense
Rank as of wednesday April,10,2002: 38 wins,55 losses,280 deaths,159 kills, 9993 points,17575 ranking
Brief biography:
I specialize in tank operation....namely long range defense tactics.
I have got the targeting down to where i can make direct hit on an enemy soldier(infantry) with my tank shell 60\% of the time (long to mid range).......the hard part is leading them(hint: dont pay attention to the targeting reticule....watch your projectile).......it's like 90 pound bullet fired out of a big azz sniper rifle lol
I am also experienced with attack and defend-on-the-fly tactics with my tanks......a moving target is harder to hit than a stationary one.
I am adept enough to be able to drive blind[drive in reverse] and still navagate obstacles while pumping out round after round at my target(i am driver and gunner).
Best war experience : Defending a canyon for 15 minutes all by myself....killed 7 stealth tanks,5 nod mobile artillarys,and 4 flame tanks before they realized that i was the only tank in the canyon.....then they had to rush me with two flame tanks and one nod mobile artillary before they could push me back to the base.
I have only been playing renegade for a week now and i am starting to get a feel for the keyboard interface instead of the joystick i was used to using in unreal tournament.
There's my stat sheet.
[ April 10, 2002: Message edited by: SGT.May ]