the mobile artillery doesnt look like the one from tiberian dawn because its not the one from tiberian dawn. its the one from tiberian sun. go play TS and you'll see they are exactly the same.
No they're not. They look pretty similar but the one in TS had to deploy to fire. It also had a longer and larger barrel. Any other details were hard to see since TS is so zoomed out compared to Renegade.
as for the light tank and flame tank, the light tank just looks better in renegade (even though it had a side mounted rocket launcher that you could never use in TD) and for the flame tank, it has to have a rotating turret. every other tank has one. it balances it.
I'm not going to argue with your point, because I agree. But I think you have confused the Light Tank in TD with the Medium Tank in TD. The Light Tank looked like a hamburger bread with a black stick in it on top of a rectangular tracked vehicle. The Medium Tank, however, had something that kinda looked like a rocket launcher that you couldn't use.