Originally posted by Woggy:
me, i dont really care bout aircraft. Gimme MOD TOOLS!!
oh and i think the restriction height is perfect- i dont even notice it.
Its good that snipers do alot of damage to aircra, it balancces it out. i mean, you can fly, and you can dodge things. something just has to be good against aircraft. the only thing is that the transport needs more armour, its pretty slow an it cant dodge well sooo yeah.
Really , its not a good thing. SImply because half your team is always snipers, so you never get a balanced force of ground/air units, because who wants to go waste that 1000 dollar Havoc they just bought?
I'm sure the aircraft craze will be over soon, I'm already bored of them. People are only hoarding them to learn how to use them.