True, the first place that most people think of for snipers is the mesa on Walls_Flying.mix, but you can snipe just as effectively from your own base. In a game I was in last night, it took awhile to earn the credits but I bought the Sakura class first. After that I just stood on top of the Airstrip. From there it was fairly easy in 3rd person view to pick off people coming into the base. Except for one Hotwire that got through immediately before I even climbed the Airstrip. But other than that, I was able to take out every one else from the tunnels, Havocs on the mesa who never expected to be sniped themeselves, and Orcas.By the way, here's the stats for that game I mentioned before. Now that I remember more, I wasn't any higher than 3rd place that game, and that was before I started nesting ontop of the Power Plant, so my rank would have only fallen after that unless other people were killing teammates (not likely).
Here's the link to that performance.
Stopping that Nod Engineer must have been considered gamesaving, to rise so much. Props to the teammates, though. banwa, maxwellms and opstorm especially. As for jualala, you seem to forever be my antagonist; thanks for the fun. ubermoo was good at blowing up our buildings and xxforcer.. don't buy Light Tanks so often.