I think Aircrap needs to chill out about the grammar too. This is a game, it isn't some kind of flippin' classroom.Personally, I always wrote Nod, but if someone wants to write NOD then I really don't see a problem with it. However, when someone does have a serious problem with it like Aircrap does, then it's quite obvious he's just showing us how extraordinarily an-al retentive he really is about probably pretty much everything.
A lot of people are saying, Aircrap wins, but I don't think so. I think that whoever has the misfortune to actually marry this guy will be in for a lifetime of how right he is and how wrong she is. "No no no, I told you before, I want you to wipe down the dishes to the left, not to the right! You're such a n00b wife."
The point I'm making is that he's in for a lot of alone time if this is how he acts in real life. He should buy pron stock now since he'll be looking at it most of his life.