Does that alt fire per chance have any homing ability. I only ask, because there have been times where I have seen a missle curve directly towards me. Once was as I ran around the back of a building. It was a spot where I know the MRL could not have specifically aimed at. Another time on Hourglass, I was standing by the obelisk when an MRL lauched a bunch of missles at me (I was a sniper). They were heading straight at me, so I ran up to go inside the HoN.. intending to avoid the missles. Nope.. they curved to head straight at me as I ran up. I thought maybe the MRL driver was predicting where I would run, but the missles where heading perfectly straight until I starting to run up the HoN ramp.It has had me puzzled..
[ May 09, 2002: Message edited by: kubi0461 ]