Originally posted by cheezyman:
maybe they are defending
yeah, you could be right, but most are just defending their own butts.
I say if they are defending they should do a good job of it, in a recent game one of our teamma...no I won't give him the hounor of being called a teammate (I'm not trying to imply that I am good player by saying that, the rest of the team were good players) anyway, this guy sat with a mammoth tank in front of our base (I think the map was field, the one with the barn on the battlefield)he sat there and when a NOD rush started he fired straight at the ground!not one shot hit the attacking force and as soon as he got hit by one shell he would back straight up, knocking any of us aside and screamed for repeairs .
The moral of the story: if someguy is just sitting doing nothing and not even defending properly then either ask the host to kick him off or don't help him so that he gets ticked off and leaves.