I'm getting quite ****ed off seeing this now, when rushing everyone gathers at base and then move out to the enemy base and each person attacks as soon as they get there... the problem is that some people have taken a diffeent route and will get to the base quicker/slower and some people try to destory their harvester, so instead of making one big rush of tanks you are now in a very big line and nobody stops to wait, A line of tanks can be stoped is seconds (because you only need to pick off one tank at a time) but about 6-7 strong tanks togther can be extremly hard to destory.On average if tanks are turning up at different times we can destory one tank in about 5-10 seconds but when they are wait for each other it can be VERY hard to deal with.
I thought EVERYONE would do this but there seems to be a lot of people who do not (probally n00bs)