Originally posted by rogueranger:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by R0mm3l_69:
[QB]Actually mine placement at head level has no additional impact. Tested and proven dozens on times over. I'm sorry, but I disagree. A head shot is a head shot, whether it's from a gun or a mine.
I've seen mines at head level kill instantly as compared to just running over some mines on the groung and taking some damage.
Wrong when it comes to mines. Mines do SAME damage head or foot. Don't know why, but that is the way the game works. Logic dictates otherwise but we at the WOLF Servers, tested the bejeezus out of this and imperical data suggests that mines damage the same regardless of position.
Like I said, it makes no sense, it could be a bug (the whole game is 1 big bug) but right now, as of today, mine height has no impact.