Under GDI shoot Nod Refinery and Airstrip with MRLS/Tanks from outside base, out of Obelisk range (doesn't work on GDI).Under GDI snipe into NOD base from outside entrance (doesn't work on GDI).
Mesa GDI snipe into NOD base from back entrance (the entrance that vehicles cannot enter). Obelisk does not shoot. Will not work on GDI, as the AGT is very alert on both sides.
Islands GDI MRLS can aim for HON from home base.
Islands GDI can cross into tunnel and plant beacon to destroy HON and hide behind the ramp to cover the beacon.
City GDI APC can take road path then shortcut through Tib field and into narrow passage behind tall building. Easy access to HON entrance.
Under NOD can easily get to back buildings in GDI base with stealth trooper for nuking if moving fast enough.
Under GDI, APC can easily reach HON ramp entrance before Obelisk blows it up.