; Spikey00's helpful C130drop. ; ; Last Updated: March 30, 2008. ; ; ; This file is designed to assist people with their C130 drops, as it is very confusing for beginners. ; These characters ";" represent comments within text. It is usually inserted ; Text which are commented out do not affect the actual file. It is mainly used for giving information ; to the user reading it. Otherwise it is utilized as a disabling tool. ; ; Please scroll down to the bottom of this file to begin to learn about this potentially entertaining extra ; feature of Command and Conquer Renegade. ; ; Spikey00 ; Spikey00.ipbfree.com ; keer_mei@hotmail.com ; OR ; spikey00_josh@yahoo.com ; ; I wish everyone the best. ; ;_________________________________________ ; ; Available Cinematic Script Commands ; ; time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation ; id can be -1 to mean do not store this object, and do not destroy ; 0 Create_Object, 0, .44 Magnum, 0, 0, 0, 180, "Human.jump" ; ; time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot) ; 0 Destroy_Object, 0 ; ; time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name ; 0 Play_Animation, 0, "Human.Jump", false ; ; time/frame Control_Camera, id ( slot ) ; use id -1 for disabling control; ; note this will also disable star control and disable the hud ; 0 Control_Camera, 0 ; ;_________________________________________ ;******************* CHEAT SHEET ****************************** ;Start frame create_object slot number model x,y,z,facing animation name( model*hierarchy*.anim ) ;Start frame Play_Animation slot number anim name ( model*hierarchy*.anim ) looping Sub Object ;Start frame Play_Audio wave filename slot number bone name ; * no slot # / bone name = 2D Audio ;0= NO LOOP ( kills object when finshed ) 1= LOOP ;************************* CNC MODE: NOD AIRSTRIP DROPOFF ************************ -1 Create_Object, 1, "V_NOD_cargop_sm" -1 Play_Animation, 1, "V_NOD_cargop_sm.M_cargo-drop_sm", 0 ;-1 Play_Audio, "C130_IDLE_02", 1, "Cargo" ;This may get annoying, if the harvester is destroyed, or if it is the map start. ;Commenting this out denotes that the audio for the C130 will not occur. ;-360 Destroy_Object, 1 ;-200 Destroy_Object, 3 -1 Create_Real_Object, 4, "Nod_MiniGunner_0", 3, "" -1 Attach_To_Bone, 4, 1, "Cargo" -180 Attach_To_Bone, 4, -1, "Cargo" -1 Attach_Script, 4, "M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME", "" ;-1 Attach_Script, 4, "M01_Hunt_The_Player_JDG", "" -1 Attach_Script, 4, "M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement" ;-1 Attach_Script, 4, "M03_Base_Patrol" -1 Attach_Script, 4, "M00_Action" ;-1 Attach_Script, 4, "M00_Vehicle_Regen_DAK" -1 Attach_Script, 4, "M03_Engineer_Target" -1 Create_Real_Object, 5, "Nod_MiniGunner_1Off", 3, "" -1 Attach_To_Bone, 5, 1, "Cargo" -180 Attach_To_Bone, 5, -1, "Cargo" -1 Attach_Script, 5, "M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME", "" ;-1 Attach_Script, 5, "M01_Hunt_The_Player_JDG", "" -1 Attach_Script, 5, "M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement" ;-1 Attach_Script, 5, "M03_Base_Patrol" -1 Attach_Script, 5, "M00_Action" ;-1 Attach_Script, 5, "M00_Vehicle_Regen_DAK" -1 Attach_Script, 5, "M03_Engineer_Target" -1 Create_Real_Object, 6, "Nod_MiniGunner_0", 3, "" -1 Attach_To_Bone, 6, 1, "Cargo" -180 Attach_To_Bone, 6, -1, "Cargo" -1 Attach_Script, 6, "M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME", "" ;-1 Attach_Script, 6, "M01_Hunt_The_Player_JDG", "" -1 Attach_Script, 6, "M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement" ;-1 Attach_Script, 6, "M03_Base_Patrol" -1 Attach_Script, 6, "M00_Action" ;-1 Attach_Script, 6, "M00_Vehicle_Regen_DAK" -1 Attach_Script, 6, "M03_Engineer_Target" -1 Create_Real_Object, 7, "Nod_MiniGunner_0", 3, "" -1 Attach_To_Bone, 7, 1, "Cargo" -180 Attach_To_Bone, 7, -1, "Cargo" -1 Attach_Script, 7, "M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME", "" ;-1 Attach_Script, 7, "M01_Hunt_The_Player_JDG", "" -1 Attach_Script, 7, "M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement" ;-1 Attach_Script, 7, "M03_Base_Patrol" -1 Attach_Script, 7, "M00_Action" ;-1 Attach_Script, 7, "M00_Vehicle_Regen_DAK" -1 Attach_Script, 7, "M03_Engineer_Target" -1 Create_Real_Object, 8, "Nod_MiniGunner_1Off", 3, "" -1 Attach_To_Bone, 8, 1, "Cargo" -180 Attach_To_Bone, 8, -1, "Cargo" -1 Attach_Script, 8, "M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME", "" ;-1 Attach_Script, 8, "M01_Hunt_The_Player_JDG", "" -1 Attach_Script, 8, "M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement" ;-1 Attach_Script, 8, "M03_Base_Patrol" -1 Attach_Script, 8, "M00_Action" ;-1 Attach_Script, 8, "M00_Vehicle_Regen_DAK" -1 Attach_Script, 8, "M03_Engineer_Target" -1 Create_Real_Object, 9, "Nod_MiniGunner_1Off", 3, "" -1 Attach_To_Bone, 9, 1, "Cargo" -180 Attach_To_Bone, 9, -1, "Cargo" -1 Attach_Script, 9, "M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME", "" ;-1 Attach_Script, 9, "M01_Hunt_The_Player_JDG", "" -1 Attach_Script, 9, "M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement" ;-1 Attach_Script, 9, "M03_Base_Patrol" -1 Attach_Script, 9, "M00_Action" ;-1 Attach_Script, 9, "M00_Vehicle_Regen_DAK" -1 Attach_Script, 9, "M03_Engineer_Target" -1 Create_Real_Object, 10, "CnC_Nod_Engineer_0", 3, "" -1 Attach_To_Bone, 10, 1, "Cargo" -180 Attach_To_Bone, 10, -1, "Cargo" -1 Attach_Script, 10, "M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME", "" ;-1 Attach_Script, 10, "M01_Hunt_The_Player_JDG", "" -1 Attach_Script, 10, "M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement" ;-1 Attach_Script, 10, "M03_Base_Patrol" -1 Attach_Script, 10, "M00_Action" ;-1 Attach_Script, 10, "M00_Vehicle_Regen_DAK" -1 Attach_Script, 10, "M03_Engineer_Repair" -1 Create_Real_Object, 11, "Nod_RocketSoldier_0", 3, "" -1 Attach_To_Bone, 11, 1, "Cargo" -180 Attach_To_Bone, 11, -1, "Cargo" -1 Attach_Script, 11, "M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME", "" ;-1 Attach_Script, 11, "M01_Hunt_The_Player_JDG", "" -1 Attach_Script, 11, "M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement" ;-1 Attach_Script, 11, "M03_Base_Patrol" -1 Attach_Script, 11, "M00_Action" ;-1 Attach_Script, 11, "M00_Vehicle_Regen_DAK" -1 Attach_Script, 11, "M03_Engineer_Target" ;Everything above here should be where you insert your drop offs, for easy access for yourself. ;Bots ; ;Here listed are templates for known names for common and uncommon bots/emplacements/etc. ;You may find this list helpful. ; ;Nod_FlameThrower_2SF = Stealthed Nod Black Hands. ;Nod_FlameThrower_3Boss = Medoza with the Volt Rifle. ;Nod_MiniGunner_1Off_Laserchaingun = Nod Officer with the Laser Chain Gun. ;Nod_MiniGunner_1Off = Nod Officer with Chaingun. ;Nod_MiniGunner_0 = Normal Nod Soldier with Autorifle. ;Nod_RocketSoldier_2SF = Nod Black Hand Heavy Weapons Soldier with Rocket Launcher ;Nod_RocketSoldier_0 = Normal Nod Rocket Soldier with Normal Rocket Launcher. ;Nod_MiniGunner_2SF = Nod Black Hand Sniper with Sniper Rifle. ;CnC_Nod_MiniGunner_3Boss = Sakura with Ramjet Rifle. ;CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_0 = Nod Flamethrower with Flamethrower. ;CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_3Boss = Raveshaw with Railgun. ;CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_2SF = Nod Chem Warrior with Tiberium Sprayer Weapon. ;CnC_Nod_Technician_0 = Nod Technician equipped with ?. ;CnC_Nod_Engineer_0 = Nod Engineer equipped with Repair Gun. ;CnC_Ignatio_Mobius_Skirmish = GDI Mobius with Volt Rifle from MP. ;CnC_Sydney_Skirmish = GDI Sydney with Tiberium Autorifle from MP. ;CnC_GDI_RocketSoldier_2SF_Skirmish = GDI Gunner with improved Rocket Launcher from MP. ;CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_3Boss_Skirmish = GDI Havoc with Ramjet Rifle from MP. ;CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_0_Skirmish = GDI Basic rifleman with Autorifles from MP. ;CnC_Nod_MiniGunner_3Boss_Skirmish = Nod Sakura with Ramjet from MP. ;CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_3Boss_Skirmish = Nod Raveshaw with Railgun from MP. ;CnC_Nod_MiniGunner_0_Skirmish = Nod Basic rifleman with Autorifle from MP ;CnC_Nod_MiniGunner_2SF_Skirmish = Nod Black Hand Sniper from MP ;Nod_RocketSoldier_2SF_VoltAutoRifle = Nod Black Hand with Volt Rifle. ;Nod_FlameThrower_3Boss = Medoza with Rocket Launcher? ;Uncommon ; ;CnC_Nod_RocketSoldier_3Boss_Secret = Kane with Railgun? ;CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_2SF_Logan = Logan with Sniper Rifle? ;CnC_Nod_FlameThrower_3Boss_Petrova ;CnC_GDI_Engineer_0 = GDI engineer with Repair Gun. ;CnC_GDI_Engineer_2SF = GDI ;CnC_GDI_Grenadier_0 = GDI Grenadier (from single player?) ;CnC_GDI_MiniGunner_2SF = Deadeye ;CnC_GDI_RocketSoldier_2SF = Gunner ;M01_GDI_Gunboat A GDI gunboat, add M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement to make it shoot ;Big_Gun_Phat = GDI Costal Gun, add M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement to make it shoot ;Nod_Turret_MP = Used with Apache/etc., Turret from MP ;Nod_Cannon_Emplacement_Player = Nod Cannon Emplacement ;Nod_Gun_Emplacement_Player = Nod Gun Emplacement ;Nod_Rocket_Emplacement_Player = Nod Rocket Emplacement ;Defined Classes [Belongs in back of named selections of bots eg. nod_flamethrower_0] (Such as Officers, Normal, ;etc.) ; ;nod_flamethrower is the name of the bot, ;and _0 is the class. ; ;_0 = Normal Unit. Low Rank, such as Minigunners, Flamethrowers, Grenadiers, Rocket Soldiers, etc. ;_2SF = Special Forces, like the Nod Black Hands. ;_1Off = Officers, such as Rocket Soldier Officers, etc. Generally has more health compared to Normal Units. ;_3Boss = Boss characters. Higher ranked. ;_Skirmish = Characters from the Multiplayer Practice. Improved rifles, range, health, etc. You will notice ;the health being much higher, but most bots do not speak because Westwood decided it wouldn't be cool to have ;soldiers speaking funny stuff in your practice. ;[In Front] CnC_ = I don't really know what this does yet, but as long as it functions well, it is fine with me... ;Time attachment and detachment. ;Example: ;-1 Attach_To_Bone, 16, 1, "Cargo" ;-180 Attach_To_Bone, 16, -1, "Cargo" ; ;The first -1 represents the time it is attached to the C130, and 16 determines when an object is released ;from the plane. ;Basically, the last -1 is compared to the positive value when it is equiped. In this case, it is the positive 1 ;value. Inferenced, negative means disable, and positive means activate. ; ;Detachment value may be changed, to avoid clipping. Careful about your values though, as your object ;may be released off the map. Trial and error is a decent idea. ;I personally recommend to add or subtract 1 for infantry. It offers sufficient room. ; ;I am unsure about the accuracy of this information. ;Time an object is spawned. ;Example: ;-200 Create_Real_Object, 22, "GDI_RocketSoldier_0" ;-400 Attach_Script, 22, "M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement" ;-400 Attach_Script, 22, "M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME", "" ;-400 Attach_Script, 22, "M10_Mammoth_Attack" ;-400 Attach_Script, 22, "M00_Action" ; ;-100 Create_Real_Object, 23, "GDI_MiniGunner_1Off" ;-400 Attach_Script, 23, "M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement" ;-400 Attach_Script, 23, "M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME", "" ;-400 Attach_Script, 23, "M10_Mammoth_Attack" ;-400 Attach_Script, 23, "M00_Action" ; ;Since the object is first created when it is inputed as "Create_Real_Object", we may ;change the timeframe from there. -200/-100 represents the time it is spawned. ; ;Interpretation: ;The GDI RocketSoldier will spawn a few moments after the GDI Officer does, in the same spot. ;Hopefully the bot will move away, or else they will clip together. ; ;Advantages: ;This assists with having less bot clipping together. Recommended to mix with time attachment ;and detachment. ; ;Disadvantages: ;The animation is thus rendered useless when the object is spawned, if the value is not -1. ;This is due to the different spawntime. ;The object will magically appear at the spawn time. ; ; ;I am yet again very unsure of whether or not this information is valid. ;Scripts ; ;Mx0_Obelisk_Weapon_DLS = Makes units invisible. Not Stealth, true Invisible ;M00_Disable_Physical_Collision_JDG = Disable collision ;M00_Enable_Physical_Collision ;Enables physical collisions. ;M00_damage_modifier_dme" ,"0,1,1,0,0" = Invinsible ;GTH_Credit_Trickle "10" = Modify the number of credits recieved per second. - ,"10" = 10 credits/second ;M01_hunt_the_player_JDG = Chases the player. ;H_A_X5D_ParaT_1 = Drops from Parachute? ;M00_No_Falling_Damage_DME = No falling damage, standard script. ;M06_Thunder_Unit = Makes bots drop rocket launchers when they die. ;MX0_Area4_GDI_Reinforcement = Needs to be tested out. ;M00_Disable_Physical_Collision_JDG = Vehicles can pass through barriers. Common Application. ;M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement = AI for turrets, good for non-skirmish bots also. ;M05_Park_Unit = A secondary AI for bots? ;M00_Cinematic_Kill_Object_DAY = Explodes the vehicle, instead of making it dissapear. ;M00_Disable_Transtition = When attached to a vehicle, no one can get in that vehicle. ;M02_PLAYER_VEHICLE = 90 sec AI for vechs dropped by c130, autopilots them off of Airstrip. ;M00_Action ;Practically a master movement and attack control script. Has lots of settings for AI. ;M00_Base_Defense ;Just another base defense script. ;M00_InnateIsStationary ;Does not allow the AI to move. ;M00_PCT_Pokeable_DAK ;Makes the object act as a purchase terminal. ;M00_Permanent_No_Falling_Damage_IML ;From my testing it only makes the object invincible ;M00_Select_Empty_Hands ;Starts you with no weapon held out. ;M03_Base_Patrol ;Makes the unit follow the waypath until it hears a sound, is shot, or sees an enemy. ;M00_Vehicle_Regen_DAK ;Vehicle slowly heals itself. ;M03_Damage_Modifier_All ;I think it modifies all AI on the level's damage. ;M03_Engineer_Repair ;Unit with attached script will attempt to repair objects with "M03_Engineer_Target" attached to them when they are damaged. ;M03_Engineer_Target ;Object that objects with "M03_Engineer_Repair" attached will attempt to repair. ;M03_Goto_Star ;Another player hunt script. ;M03_SAM_Site_Logic ;Makes the unit act like a SAM site. ;M05_Aggressiveness_Take_Cover ;Allows you to change a soldiers Aggressiveness and Take Cover Probability. ;M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement ;Turret AI, or basic AI for infantry. It fires at enemies close to it. ;M07_Nod_Gun_Emplacement ;turret AI, same as M05_Nod_Gun_Emplacement. ;M05_Flyover_Controller ;Puts a bunch of flying planes in the sky (play the level to see which planes are in the sky, it will be those). ;M07_Playertype_Neutral ;Sets the objects team to neutral. ;M03_SAM_Site_Logic ;Acts like SAM site and leaves wreckage when destroyed (or it might be the M03 one that does). ;M08_Mobile_Apache ;Best AI air craft control script renegade currently has to offer, give it a way path to use when flying to the helipad, and the ID of the helipad, it will ;attack the player and all sorts of cool stuff. ;M08_Mobile_Vehicle ;A great vehicle AI for Renegade. For this to work, place lots of daves arrows called "M08_Go_Point" (Found in Object->Simple->Daves Arrow->Mission 08) ;around the map. Enter the ID of these in the script under "attackloc". The vehicle will then drive around to these locations looking to attack things. You ;can have a max of 12 per vehicle. ;M09_Damage_Modifier ;modifies the scale of the damage the object recieves. ;M09_Mutant ;Changes a unit's team to team mutant. ;M10_Mammoth_Attack ;Kind of neat script that could be used on a flame tank or turret, it kind of give it an inaccurate firing at the objects general direction. ;M10_Playertype_Nod ;sets the object's team to Nod. ;M10_Turret ;More turret AI. ;Fun units: ;Nod_Sam_Site = A Nod Sam Site which fires, and can literally kill you in one hit if missiles launched from it ;hits you directly, or anything else for that matter. Very fun, if you use it with an apache which spawns them. ;Not sure if you can convert them to GDI. ; ; ;Nod_Turret = A Nod Turret which fires, and is very fun if you use it with an apache which spawns these. Again, ;not sure if you can convert these to GDI. ;Other Notes: ;Great long list of units, scripts, etc. for Renegade at: ;http://www.renegadewiki.com/index.php?title=List_of_Presets