This tutorial is based on zunnie's explanation how to setup LevelEdit properly. So I will start here at the point you should have reached following his example. I posted a few steps already in my other tutorial about setting up new spawners, but this tut will be a little bit more clearly. What is this about? Its a simple tutorial how to get your just modded map working server side. What software do I need? - LevelEdit - XCC Mixer - Renegade FDS (to test it before installing on your server) Step 1 - Mod your map I won't explain how to modify your server in this tutorial so you might read my other tut to see an example. Just add/remove spawn points to see if your changes are working later. Step 2 - Save your work goto File > Save current Level, or simply press Ctrl + S You can close your LevelEdit now, you won't need it anymore for now. a few new files will show up in your C:/Program Files/RenegadePublicTools/LevelEdit/YouModName/Levels directory The 3 files I highlighted are the ones you need They will always have the name of the map you are editing: -> c&c_mapname.lsd -> c&c_mapname.ldd -> c&c_mapname.ddb If one of those is not present in your directory just ignore that file as you won't need it then. Step 3 - Preparing the XCC Mixer The first startup of your XCC mixer will take a while, be patient - it's worth the time waiting for it. It will scan your PC for all .mix files to be able to load them faster when they are needed. Only the first start will take that long, all others will go faster. Now select a drive where your original map file is stored and click on file > open, or simply press Ctrl + O to browse the normal way for it. After browsing for your mapname.mix matching to your modded map you should see something like this: I highlighted some entries again, you should know them already from your saved LevelEdit project. Yes, they are the same. You need to click one of them, then rightclick > delete, or just press DEL when highlighted. You need to remove all 3 files one by one. Step 4 - Mix it! Now your .mix file seems to be on a diet, this should be changed as soon as possible ) and browse to your Levels directory located in your LE dir. Select your 3 files (.ldd, .lsd, .ddb) in your Levels dir by clicking them once while holding CTRL. When all 3 are marked you can select one of them and hold the mouse button. Move the cursor to your XCC Mixer window and drop them there. That's it. The MapName.mix should look like before now, just with a few new files in it. Load your map.mix in your renfds/server/data directory, put it in the rotation of it and run your test FDS to see if it's working FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=smile.gif" Additional notes - if your FDS is crashing or your own renegade, it's usually an error you made when you modded the map. Save your map a lot and make copies of it to get the chance to go back step by step if your FDS is crashing or your mod doesnt work properly. - If you are going to run modded maps on your server always keep the original ones somewhere in the near. - Make sure that one side does not have an advantage due to your mod. - Test around a lot, this will grant you the experience you need