C&C Reborn is released [message #59064] |
Wed, 24 December 2003 15:05  |
Messages: 8213 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 1
General (5 Stars) |
Go check it out.
Here's my take on it.
1. It STILL Looks like crap.
2. It's STILL unbalanced.
3. Deployable units are STILL worthless.
4. "Underground" isn't even underground, it's just an exact clone of the level terrain... "Hey, someone tunneled out this for me! In the EXACT SHAPE of the place I just left!"
5. Jumpjet soldiers can still fly off ANY level... AND THEY CAN GO UNDERGROUND TOO!
6. THE INSTALLER ISN'T EVEN FINISHED!! And they said "we want a release without bugs" yet they can't fix ANYTHING they did wrong or even finish the INSTALLER FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!
C&C Reborn is released [message #59068] |
Wed, 24 December 2003 15:27   |
Demolition man
Messages: 670 Registered: February 2003 Location: dutchland
Karma: 0
Colonel |
but good enough to make a topic about it?
and you always say it sucks so why did you download it in the first place?
C&C Reborn is released [message #59075] |
Wed, 24 December 2003 16:20   |
Messages: 82 Registered: December 2003 Location: Danielson, CT
Karma: 0
Recruit |
Ah, where to begin. Ladies and Gents, this mod can easily be said to have the same issues as say... Daikatana and Diablo II combined.
Allow me to explain.
Let's start with first trying to get it to run. Step-by-step.
1.) Download Installer which doesn't work due to a runtime error, and when it does, it only serves as a cheesy media player showing a rippped off TibSun intro (Not even compressed well, btw.).
2.) Download files for installer and extract them manually into the directory that the false insaller created.
Now, let's take a moment here to analyze the situation. I just downloaded an installer that, when it actually FUNCTIONS, is supposed to stream the files (Not unlike the fantastic Steam idea </sarcasm>) to the proper areas, yet you recieve the file not found error. So, you are required to download the files that go WITH the installer separately.
Now, prudence suggests that you do one of two things. Either A.) Dont' release Reborn until this streaming installer is fixed or B.) Use a working installer, complete with all the files a la RenAlert. The Reborn team chooses to do neither and instead expects the average joe to be able to do this manually.
But, I digress, let's continue.
3.) You are now requred to IGNORE the shortcuts installed by the non-working installer (Which i will now refer to as Crap Media Player, or CMP for short.) and instead explore to your installed Reborn directory (C:\Program Files\Reborn is the default, for those who dont' know) and run "Game.Exe" manually.
OK. Let's analyze this... On second thought no... it's not worth the aneurism.
4.) You are now greeted by the "Deezer Studios" intro.
Deezer Studios? Ok, let's just say that again. "Deezer Studios". What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say that? That's right, good ol' Deezire. I'm sure he LOVES being subliminally referenced to this piece of crap. (For reference sake, Deezire is THE MAN and deserves much homage for the mods he has created in the past.)
That and the mere FACT that this group tries to refer to itself as a sort of Dev Team is scary enough to make grown men cry.
5.) You are now FORCED to watch an equally poorly compressed rip from the ol' TS intro.
WHY? Was your CMP not good enough or something? No wait, that's because it SUCKS!
6.) At long last, the menu system. Now here's something that actually WORKS! If I click Multiplayer, I go to Multiplayer!
Yeah, and if I click "Westwood Online" i go to... WHAT THE HELL? I can't log in! Oh yeah, that's right, cuz it doesn't WORK! Ok, no worries. Let's try GameSpy... OH NUOS! NOW I'M SENT TO THE RENEGADE SECTION! Let's think of that for a sec. The Renegade section in GameSpy Arcade refers SPECIFICALLY to c:\westwood\renegade. NOT c:\program files\reborn. Shit outta luck there, my friend!
Oh! Wait, there's instructions! "How to play on Gamespy." COOL!
1. Download "The All-Seeing Eye" from http://www.udpsoft.com/eye2/index.html
2. Install "The All-Seeing Eye" 
3. ASE will detect your Renegade and set your gamepath
4. Open ASE -> hit F2 -> click on "games" -> click on "Renegade"
5. Use the browse-button to search for the Game.exe of Reborn and press OK
Now just wait a fucking second. If i wanted to play on ASE, i would have looked for "How to play on ASE" Right? But once again, we're happily baited and switched into useing ASE (Which i personally hate, tyvm.). This kinda reminds me of Valve's Steam... though I can't imagine why...
OK, so I can't play on WOL, I can't play on GSA... and I'm sure as hell not installing ASE. So let's just humor "Deezer Studios" and play Practice Mode... just for laughs.
HOLY FARKING CRAP! I used to be a beta tester for Reborn Back in the day... and there are STILL many of the bugs left behind!
Bury yourself in Canyon... DIE. Big bug, if you ask me.
Reborn plays background music... sounds like... wait it IS... it's Crush from
Red Alert! Yeah, let's just kinda cross titles there...
Deployment is STILL a useless gesture in the game.
Fly high enough and you'll end up UNDERGROUND! It's not a bug, it's a feature! NEWTON BE DAMNED! "What goes up.... eventually comes around on the other side!" It's a whole new idea of physics!"
OK, now that Reborn's site is toast and a simple html site is remaining. Let's have a looksee at what one (I'm thinking Angel of Dawn... though I could be mistaken) of the Reborn team is saying.
"But today is the long promised day X."
Oooh... Day X... top secret there...
"If i am honest, i never imagined that Reborn will become a playable game... "
Reality check, it's NOT PLAYABLE! And if honesty is so important to you, then you shouldn't have promised a "Non-buggy" game that will support ALL game browsers.
"Sadly our installer has not been finished"
Which leaves us to the question of wtf happened to the rest of it...
If the game doesn't even install, then it shouldn't be released. Period.
"Reborn was in the beginning small and unimportant"
YES! And now we upgrade it to LARGE and unimportant! Hell, let's just add broken to the list. "Large, broken and unimportant." Yeah, that's about right...
People, this game was supposed to be IT. The one game (Besides RenAlert) that was to help me regain my faith in Renegade as a game and as an engine. Well... i guess it's up to Ack, Dante and the RenAlert crew, because Reborn has gained my vote of "Most likely to cause violent suicide."
C&C Reborn is released [message #59080] |
Wed, 24 December 2003 16:59   |
Messages: 525 Registered: February 2003 Location: England, UK
Karma: 0
Colonel |
Does kinda say "OFFICIAL BETA", so it's still beta. But even still, i'm more than happy to believe ACKs opinions.
For me to enjoy a mod, it needs to be flawless and bug-free. I for one, won't be downloading it because of the installer situation.
WOL: npsmith82
For RenAutoComplete, RenSkirmish, RenBuddyList and RenWOLstatus please visit (IE) TheCodeSmith.com
C&C Reborn is released [message #59082] |
Wed, 24 December 2003 17:26   |
Messages: 361 Registered: May 2003
Karma: 0
Commander |
I like it, I just wish I could play online without needing ASE because I'm not going to d/l it.
May Trey rest in forever bliss and happiness.
C&C Reborn is released [message #59110] |
Wed, 24 December 2003 20:53   |
Messages: 225 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
Recruit |
Am I the only one who thinks its pretty decent? I mean, if we all judged Ren Alert by the beta they released a long time ago then you'd get similar reactions. This is a lot more playable than that was.
As of now I still think Ren Alert has a lot better gameplay, and is put together nicer, and overall better. But that doesn't mean that Reborn sucks - it has a lot of bugs, and the instal thing was total crap, but it seems ok. And one thing I noticed was that there are more people playing on WOL now than I have ever seen on Ren Alert.
47% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
C&C Reborn is released [message #59114] |
Wed, 24 December 2003 21:17   |
Messages: 709 Registered: February 2003 Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Karma: 0
Colonel |
Overall, Reborn blows. Not even RenAlert's initial beta had this many bugs in it. Newton would burst an artery if he saw the crap Reborn was.
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