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Function Hooking [message #490115] |
Wed, 24 December 2014 13:26  |
Messages: 124 Registered: October 2009
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I've been trying and trying but I just cannot figure it out. I even asked it on StackOverflow but they aren't helping much either.
What I'm trying to achieve is: Call a custom (hook) function and then calling the original function (a trampoline effect, whilst keeping the stack intacked between the functions).
I did somehow achieve this when I hooked into the Commands->Find_Object function, I intercepted all calls to it and it worked fine. So I was all happy and satisfied how that worked out and I tried to put everything in a nice class. When I did that it just stoped working. So I was like, well yeah that sometimes happens you mess up some simple thing whilst copying it over. So I moved everything back to the old (messy) code and to my surprise that stoped working aswell...
My new code is actually pretty much a complete mirror and I doubt that the copy pasting went wrong so I'm just gonna put that version here in the hopes somebody of the renegade community can help me to find the problem.
I have the following header file:
Toggle Spoiler
#define Detours DetourClass::Get_Instance()
class DetourClass
friend class TimeMachine;
struct DetourFunction
DetourFunction(ULONG ID, BYTE *OriginalFunction, BYTE *HookFunction, BYTE *OriginalFunctionCode)
this->ID = ID;
this->OriginalFunction = OriginalFunction;
this->HookFunction = HookFunction;
this->OriginalFunctionCode = OriginalFunctionCode;
BYTE *OriginalFunction;
BYTE *HookFunction;
BYTE *OriginalFunctionCode;
ULONG Install_Detour(BYTE *TargetAddress, BYTE *HookAddress);
void Remove_Detour(ULONG ID);
void Remove_All_Detours();
long Jump_To_Original(ULONG ID);
static DetourClass *Get_Instance();
static DetourClass *Instance;
int Calculate_Offset_Address(BYTE *StartAddress, BYTE *TargetAddress);
SimpleDynVecClass<DetourFunction *> _Functions;
Which has the following source file:
Toggle Spoiler
#include "General.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "Detours.h"
static const unsigned int JMP32_SZ = 5; // the size of JMP <address>
static const unsigned int NOP = 0x90; // opcode for NOP
static const unsigned int JMP = 0xE9; // opcode for JUMP
this->_FreeID = 1;
#pragma optimize( "", off )
ULONG DetourClass::Install_Detour(BYTE *TargetAddress, BYTE *HookAddress)
DWORD OldProtect;
if (!VirtualProtect(TargetAddress, JMP32_SZ, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &OldProtect)) // Make sure we are allowed to modify that memory area
return 0;
BYTE *OriginalCode = (BYTE *)malloc(JMP32_SZ); // Reserve space to store the overwritten data of the original part
memcpy(OriginalCode, TargetAddress, JMP32_SZ); // Copy original part of the function
memset(TargetAddress, NOP, JMP32_SZ); // Good practice to NOP original part
// Insert a jump to the hook function in the original code
int HookJumpOffset = Calculate_Offset_Address(TargetAddress, HookAddress);
TargetAddress[0] = JMP;
memcpy(TargetAddress + 1, &HookJumpOffset, 4);
VirtualProtect(TargetAddress, JMP32_SZ, OldProtect, NULL);
ULONG NewID = this->_FreeID++;
this->_Functions.Add(new DetourFunction(NewID, TargetAddress, HookAddress, OriginalCode));
return NewID;
#pragma optimize( "", on )
void DetourClass::Remove_Detour(ULONG ID)
if (ID == 0)
for (int x = this->_Functions.Count() - 1; x >= 0; x--)
DetourFunction *CurFunction = this->_Functions[x];
if (CurFunction->ID == ID) // Check if the current detour has the same target as the one we're trying to remove
this->_Functions.Delete(x); // Remove that one
// Try to restore to old situation
DWORD OldProtect;
if (VirtualProtect(CurFunction->OriginalFunction, JMP32_SZ, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &OldProtect))
memcpy(CurFunction->OriginalFunction, CurFunction->OriginalFunctionCode, JMP32_SZ); // Copy original code back
VirtualProtect(CurFunction->OriginalFunction, JMP32_SZ, OldProtect, NULL);
delete CurFunction; // Free up resources
void DetourClass::Remove_All_Detours()
for (int x = this->_Functions.Count() - 1; x >= 0; x--)
DetourFunction *CurFunction = this->_Functions[x];
// Try to restore to old situation
DWORD OldProtect;
if (VirtualProtect(CurFunction->OriginalFunction, JMP32_SZ, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &OldProtect))
memcpy(CurFunction->OriginalFunction, CurFunction->OriginalFunctionCode, JMP32_SZ); // Copy original code back
VirtualProtect(CurFunction->OriginalFunction, JMP32_SZ, OldProtect, NULL);
delete CurFunction; // Free up resources
long DetourClass::Jump_To_Original(ULONG ID)
if (ID == 0)
return NULL;
for (int x = this->_Functions.Count() - 1; x >= 0; x--)
DetourFunction *CurFunction = this->_Functions[x];
if (CurFunction->ID == ID)
BYTE *ASMCode = (BYTE *)VirtualAlloc(0, JMP32_SZ + JMP32_SZ, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); // Reserve space for run-time generated asm code
memcpy(ASMCode, CurFunction->OriginalFunctionCode, JMP32_SZ); // Copy the original code to the beginning
int OriginalJumpOffset = Calculate_Offset_Address(ASMCode + JMP32_SZ, CurFunction->OriginalFunction + JMP32_SZ); // Calculate jump offset to original function
ASMCode[JMP32_SZ] = JMP; // Insert the jump opcode
memcpy(ASMCode + JMP32_SZ + 1, &OriginalJumpOffset, 4); // Copy the jump address
long ReturnValue = ((long(*)(void))ASMCode)(); // Execute the code and get the return value (if any)
VirtualFree(ASMCode, JMP32_SZ + JMP32_SZ, MEM_DECOMMIT); // Free the code
return ReturnValue;
return NULL;
DetourClass *DetourClass::Get_Instance()
return DetourClass::Instance;
int DetourClass::Calculate_Offset_Address(BYTE *StartAddress, BYTE *TargetAddress)
return (((int)TargetAddress - (int)StartAddress) - JMP32_SZ);
DetourClass *DetourClass::Instance = NULL;
In my plugin source file I have these calls to the DetourClass:
Toggle Spoiler
ULONG ObjectHookID = 0;
ULONG FooHookID = 0;
int Foo()
Console_Output("Normal Foo\n");
return 5;
int Foo_Hook()
Console_Output("Hook Foo\n");
return (int)Detours->Jump_To_Original(FooHookID);
GameObject *Find_Object_Hook(int obj_id)
Console_Output("Finding object with id: %d\n", obj_id);
return (GameObject *)Detours->Jump_To_Original(ObjectHookID);
DetourClass::Instance = new DetourClass();
RegisterEvent(EVENT_LOAD_LEVEL_HOOK, this);
//ObjectHookID = Detours->Install_Detour(&Commands->Find_Object, &Find_Object_Hook);
FooHookID = Detours->Install_Detour((BYTE *)&Foo, (BYTE *)&Foo_Hook);
if (FooHookID == 0)
Console_Output("Install failed\n");
delete DetourClass::Instance;
UnregisterEvent(EVENT_LOAD_LEVEL_HOOK, this);
Console_Output(__FUNCTION__ "\n");
void TimeMachine::OnLoadLevel()
Console_Output("%d\n", Foo());
Where TimeMachine is my plugin class (So the constructor gets called when SSGM loads the library). I have checked if the memory is actually changed after my function calls and it is indeed changed to the correct variables. But as soon as I call Foo() it just executes it as if nothing changed. The reason that I have it in OnLoadLevel is becouse in one of my earlier tests it started working when I moved it to OnLoadLevel (so outside the constructor). The reason why I'm not trying to hook Find_Object right now is becouse when internal engine calls go to Find_Object when the game starts it crashes the fds instantly (The hooking in the constructor goes without any problems).
If somebody comes up with a solution or pushes me in the right direction that would be greatly apreciated!
Re: Function Hooking [message #490117 is a reply to message #490115] |
Wed, 24 December 2014 14:42   |
If you want to hook Commands->Find_Object, just read the address out of that variable (the "original" Find_Object) then replace it with the address of your new function.
Your new funxtion would then call the stock function through the pointer you saved ealier.
Jonathan Wilson aka Jonwil
Creator and Lead Coder of the Custom scripts.dll
Renegade Engine Guru
Creator and Lead Coder of TT.DLL
Official member of Tiberian Technologies
Re: Function Hooking [message #490118 is a reply to message #490117] |
Wed, 24 December 2014 17:41   |
Messages: 124 Registered: October 2009
Karma: 0
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jonwil wrote on Wed, 24 December 2014 14:42 | If you want to hook Commands->Find_Object, just read the address out of that variable (the "original" Find_Object) then replace it with the address of your new function.
Your new funxtion would then call the stock function through the pointer you saved ealier.
That would result in an infinite loop? For example:
typedef GameObject *(** FindObjectPointer)(int);
FindObjectPointer OriginalFindObject;
GameObject *Find_Object_Test(int obj_id)
Console_Output("Finding object with id: %d\n", obj_id);
return (* OriginalFindObject)(obj_id);
OriginalFindObject = &Commands->Find_Object;
*&Commands->Find_Object = &Find_Object_Test;
The OriginalFindObject would point right back to the hooked one. Im trying to catch all calls to the original method and then do some stuff. I'm just using Find_Object as an example, the actual command I'm going to target is Start_Timer.
When I compile and run this I get an infinite loop.
NOTE: I'm also trying to catch calls to the method outside of my DLL. So there's no other way than memory hooking it with a jump? Or am I just thinking to difficult right now?
Re: Function Hooking [message #490121 is a reply to message #490115] |
Wed, 24 December 2014 18:29   |
do this:
OriginalFindObject = Commandsf>Find_Object;
Commands->Find_Object = Find_Object_Test;
then later do
eturn OriginalFindObject(bj_id);
Jonathan Wilson aka Jonwil
Creator and Lead Coder of the Custom scripts.dll
Renegade Engine Guru
Creator and Lead Coder of TT.DLL
Official member of Tiberian Technologies
Re: Function Hooking [message #490125 is a reply to message #490115] |
Thu, 25 December 2014 05:37   |
Messages: 124 Registered: October 2009
Karma: 0
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I must be completly retarded...
Talking about taking the hard route...
Well thanks, it works. But I'm still kind of curious as to why my first approach doesn't work. It isn't even affecting the execution of the original function, yet I'm overwriting memory.
Re: Function Hooking [message #490170 is a reply to message #490115] |
Sun, 28 December 2014 07:05   |
Messages: 4311 Registered: April 2011
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General (4 Stars) |
What you can also do is place a JMP at the very start of the original function to your own hook. Then when you want to call the original function you re-create the first 5 bytes you overwrote in assembly then just jmp 5 bytes into the original function.
push ebp ; byte 1
push edi ; byte 2
push esi ; byte 3
push ebx ; byte 4
push ecx ; byte 5
push edx ; byte 6
Then after jumping hooking:
jmp <hookfunc> ; byte 1-5
push edx ; byte 6
void HookFunc()
void _declspec(naked)Call original func()
push ebp ; byte 1
push edi ; byte 2
push esi ; byte 3
push ebx ; byte 4
push ecx ; byte 5
jmp to byte 6; where 'push edx' is located
Long time and well respected Renegade community member, programmer, modder and tester.
Scripts 4.0 private beta tester since May 2011.
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Re: Function Hooking [message #490171 is a reply to message #490170] |
Sun, 28 December 2014 10:58   |
Messages: 124 Registered: October 2009
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iRANian wrote on Sun, 28 December 2014 07:05 | What you can also do is place a JMP at the very start of the original function to your own hook. Then when you want to call the original function you re-create the first 5 bytes you overwrote in assembly then just jmp 5 bytes into the original function.
push ebp ; byte 1
push edi ; byte 2
push esi ; byte 3
push ebx ; byte 4
push ecx ; byte 5
push edx ; byte 6
Then after jumping hooking:
jmp <hookfunc> ; byte 1-5
push edx ; byte 6
void HookFunc()
void _declspec(naked)Call original func()
push ebp ; byte 1
push edi ; byte 2
push esi ; byte 3
push ebx ; byte 4
push ecx ; byte 5
jmp to byte 6; where 'push edx' is located
That was exactly what I was trying to achieve in my first attempt. Yet it somehow didn't jump to the new function, If you toggle the spoilers in the first post you can see how I tried it.
Re: Function Hooking [message #490190 is a reply to message #490187] |
Tue, 30 December 2014 18:35   |
Messages: 124 Registered: October 2009
Karma: 0
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iRANian wrote on Tue, 30 December 2014 16:39 | Yeah I saw that, but you're doing some complicated memory copying code.
How else can you execute the first 5 bytes then again if you don't store that anywhere?
Re: Function Hooking [message #490302 is a reply to message #490115] |
Sun, 11 January 2015 08:18  |
Messages: 4311 Registered: April 2011
Karma: 0
General (4 Stars) |
By using a nakedspec function with asm
void _declspec(naked) blabla()
// epilogue (first 5 bytes or so)
push esp
push ebp
push edx
push ebx
push ecx
jmp FunctionAddress+5 //or just the direct adress
Long time and well respected Renegade community member, programmer, modder and tester.
Scripts 4.0 private beta tester since May 2011.
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